Chapter 70 - Shirou Past part 2

"Kusakabe clan," Shirou said. "This is the first time I heard about that family."

"It's not weird if you never hear about the Kusakabe clan," Irisviel said. "That's because they always low profile and keep doing their job as an Omnyouji from the background."

"My mother clan sound like a shady family like Shinra clan and Himejima clan," Shirou said. "Thank goodness I was raised by you and dad, so I can became a good person."

Shirou word make Irisviel smiling and feel a warm inside her heart. She really love Shirou and accept him as real son, because Shirou also loving her as a real mother.

"Yeah, Kusakabe clan was a great omnyoudou clan," Irisiviel said. "Almost all the member of the clan is heartless and the Kusakabe clan doing a demon hunting and exorcism not for helping people but only for the glory of the clan."

"Sigh, my guess is correct, almost all the omnyouji clan in Japan is like that," Shirou said. "Because they have a power that no body else have they think themselves above the other and became heartless."

"But you must know Shirou Mizusu your mother isn't like them, even if she from that clan," Irisviel said. "She more like her mother who came from the Muramasa clan, that's why her talent for a sword art is really high, more than any member from Kusakabe clan."

"Muramasa clan? Mama did you mean the clan that made the demon sword Muramasa in Tokugawa era?" Asked Shirou.

"Yes, you maternal grandmother is from the Muramasa clan," Irisviel Answered. "Both clan is close to each other that's because Muramasa clan made something that really important for the Kusakabe clan."

"Something important? Mom, did you mean the Muramasa clan made a sword for the Kusakabe clan?" Asked Shirou.

"The legendary Kusakabe seven sword a seven set of katana that have fearsome power, that forge with the the essence of the seven powerful demon," Irisviel Answered. "Ever since that seven sword was made there is a tradition to appoint each sword to each Kusakabe branch family head for the power balance altough the strongest sword, is keep by the main family, altough in the 1930 something different has happen, when Kusakabe Misao the leader of the Kusakabe at the beginning of 20th century won the right of two sword, that made an uproar in the Kusakabe clan and because of that the 2 sword that was claimed by her is gone until now, that's because she disappear from the clan. But your mom doing something that more crazy and fenomenal that Misao."

"Doing something more crazy and fenomenal, let me guess she won the right for the rest of the five sword," Shirou said.

"Well your guess is right, that was the reason why your mother and grandmother is exiled and attacked by the other member of the Kusakabe clan," Irisviel said. "Until she met your father that saves her when she almost die in the hand of the assasin that was send your grandfather. And that's the time when they falling love to each other."

"A princess that saves by a prince what a cliche meeting between a soulmate," Shirou said with a sigh.

"Ahahaha yeah, me and Kiritsugu laughing till we satisfied because of that story too because that story is so funny," Irisviel said while smiling. "Your father and mother faces became so red when they tell that story to us."

"But mama who is my father really is? And why he can met my mom?" Asked Shirou.

"Your father true identity is a mystery even for me and Kiritsugu," Answered Irisviel. "He never really told us who he really is, what I know about him is there is no one in this dimension that can beat him, not even Great Red, Ophis and Zelretch have a power to match him. He is someone you can call an ultimate being from a higher dimension."

'You see Archer my word is true, right,' Zelterch said. 'Your new body have a blood from someone that came from a higher dimension! A place that I can never reach no matter how much I try!'

'I knew Zelretch, I knew! So stop talking now!' Shirou said.

"An ultimate being from a higher dimension?" Shirou already now that information, but hearing the information from Irisviel herself still making him a bit surprised. "Are my biological father is really that great?"

"He really is," Irisviel said. "He is called as the strongest man in the world when he defeat the Five families, Kusakabe clan, Youkai Faction, Shinto phanteon that send to hunt your mother all by himself, the Japan supranatural factiom almost vanished because they to challenge someone that at a very different level from any being in this dimension. If Zelretch didn't stop the fight I'm afraid there will be no more supranatural faction in Japan. And I'm sure with the special power like illusion eyes and the other power that still sleeping inside your right arm, you will became as strong as him, an eyes that can control a fate and a right arm that can destroy a fate. The power you inherit is really overpowered!"

'Mama word is like my biological father say to me in the dream,' Shirou said. 'And if I awaken all the powet that I inherit from him, how strong I will be!'

"The Wizard Marshall Zelretch? The Second Magic user that feared by all the supranatural faction in the world because of his power that stronger than Ophis or Great Red because he is the one who defeated a monster than have a power on par with Great Red the ultimate one Crimson Moon who have the power to wiped out all living being on Earth?" Asked Shirou.

"Yes, the Wizard Marshall Zelretch, but I'm confused here," Answered Irisviel. "How do know so much about the information of Moonlite world? If I'm not wrong you're only know about a supranatural world for a couple a month right?"

"Let's just say have a girlfriend like Rin who is the student in Clock Tower has force me to have a lot of knowledge about the Moonlite world," Shirou said with a little smile on his face. "Because if not, I can have a good conversation with Rin, who always talking about the Moonlite world when she is with me."

"How poor of you my son," Irisviel said with a sweat drop from her cheek.

'I'm feel guilty lying to her,' Shirou said. 'But I'm still didn't want to tell her about who I am really are.'

"Mama there is something that made me feel weird with the story that you tell me," Shirou said.

"What it is?" Asked Irisviel.

"Why the Shinto pantheon also chasing my mother? Isn't supposed to be the Shinto pantheon must remain neutral about the mortal problem like that?" Answered Shirou.

"That's because in one of the five sword that your mother have it have a power that even can kill a god if the user have enough power," Irisviel said. "That's why they also chasing your mother, because Shinto Phanteon didn't want to lose a strong weapon that can kill a god."

'Muramasa clan ability to made a weapon is insane! They even can made a sword that can kill a god, that five sword can be called Ex-class Noble Phantasm!' Shirou said.

'Yeah, that clan blacksmith ability is godly, and for your information in our old world you're also a descendant of Muramasa clan, that's why your basic element is a sword,' Zelretch said.

'...That's explain why I'm so good in tracing a sword, sigh!' Shirou said.

"Mama, what happen after Zelretch interfere the fight?" Asked Shirou.

"Zelretch threatening the Shinto Pantheon, the Five families and the Kusakabe clan, and warn them if they didn't want to be wipe out from the face of the Earth they must stop chasing your mother," Irisviel said. "Because they scared to Zelretch, all of them is stop chasing your mother and go away, after that Zelretch say apologies to your father and made a promise to him that there is no one else will try to kill your mother, his life is the guarantee."

"So, Zelretch stop the fight because he scared to my father?" Asked Shirou.

"More like he feared your father will wipe out the Japan supranatural faction," Irisviel Answered. "That will destroy the balance of the Moonlite World. After that your parent and your grand mother move to Kuoh the city that under protection of Zelretch because the Tohsaka clan have a close relationship with him. They married and have you, in that time they also became my best friend after Zelretch gave an order to me and Kiritsugu to oversee them. When you were born that was the happiest moment in their life! They really love you!"

"If they really love me! Why they why did they both leave me and left me with you and dad!" Shirou feel really angry the feeling from his other self is still lingering inside his body, making him so angry. "And why not my grandmother who take care of me!"

"When you seven year old, your mother got a divine cursed from one of the member of the Kusakabe clan who didn't have a fear to Zelretch, he even try to kill you. Because he consider you as an abomination of the Kusakabe clan," Irisviel said with a very sad face and iritatting tone. "Ban anger is unstoppable and he destroy half of Kusakabe clan, what stopping him to destroy the clan is his promise to your mother to forget his revenge and let it go. And after that he leave you to me and Kiritsugu, and return to a higher dimension to cure your mother, because no matter how strong your father is the power he have in this dimension is limited, even his two special power have no effect to the curse. And for your grandmother she coming back to the Muramasa clan to supervise the Kusakabe clan so the tragedy that happen to your mother not happen to you, to protect you, your grandma really sad because she can't raise you by herself but I can guarantee that she love you too."

After hearing all the story about the past of his biological parent in the new world, from Irisviel. A tears has running down in Shirou cheek. He feel so sad because of what happen to his parent and he also feel happy because he knew they love him. The feeling he have right now is so strange for him who didn't have any memories about his real parent in his past life. He is a stranger from other dimension that occupy the body of his other self in this new dimension who already dead, but why he can be like this? Did he already regard the two of them as his biological parents the same way he considered Irisviel and Kiritsugu as his real parents? Shirou was confused by his own feelings.

Irisviel who saw Shirou crying immediately approached Shirou and hugged him while saying: "Shirou just cry, don't hold back your feelings anymore. You don't have to worry about anything, because I will always be with you."

Shirou can feel a warmth from Irisviel hug,

Shirou cried in Irisviel's arms for more than an hour, and during that time they didn't move from that room at all. And they both look like a real parent and child showing their familial love for each other.