Chapter 105 - Strategy Meeting 2

"Wh-What did you say, Emiya-kun!? The Heroic Spirit inside the eight class card is Gilgamesh!" Rin shouted she feel so shocked by what Shirou revealed to all of them. "How that's possible! Are the King of Heroes is sealed inside your Sacred Gear!"

"Tohsaka Rin is right Sherou," Luvia said with a shocked faces like Rin. "Is impossible if the eight class card servant identity is Gilgamesh! Because his spirit even didn't go to the Throne of Heroes but sealed inside the Longinus that you have."

"It sound impossible, but what if the Class Card that suddenly appear in Kuoh is not from our dimension," Shirou said with a very serious expression. "But from the other dimension, that parallel to our dimension!"

Hearing what Shirou say to them, Luvia and Rin cannot argue with that idea. Because the knowledge of the parallel world and the multiverse are not a new thing in the Moonlite World community. So what Shirou said is made sense to both of them.

Kuro is knew and understand what Shirou say to Rin and Luvia because the knowledge that she got from the Einzbern when she was born so she didn't feel surprised at all by the information that came out from Shirou mouth.

Miyu also understand and knew about parallel world, because she came from the world that really different from the dimension where she live now. In the dimension where she was born, there is no devil, angel, fallen angel, or even a god from many mythologies. Because the Age of god already over in that dimension. And in a few years that world also will be destroyed because the lack of mana and nature energy.

She also realized that when she thrown away from her home dimension to this new dimension the 7 card Class also following her to the new dimension and making a chaos around Kuoh. What she didn't expect was how fast Shirou can make a conclusion about where the Class Card came from. She feel surprised because of that of course, but because she great at poker face she didn't show it in her faces.

But Illya who only knew about the Moonlite World for a couple a month. Didn't understand at all by what Shirou said, so she feel really confused right now. Of course she pretend she understand Shirou word to keep her dignity in front of the other.

"What Shirou-Sama said is really made senses," Sapphire said. "It's not impossible if the eight class card identity is Gilgamesh, if the class card is from the other dimension where Gilgamesh is not sealed inside the Sacred Gear."

"What make me confuse is how did Shirou-san knew and sure that the eight class card is Gilgamesh?" Asked Ruby.

"Are you forget about my Sacred Gear?" Answered Shirou. "Or you just pretend to forget it you stupid mystic code!"

Ruby who didn't like Shirou from the beginning feel really insulted by Shirou words but before she can reply Shirou words, Illya her partner already talking first.

"Onii-chan Sacred Gear is the Gate of Babylon who is the ultimate arsenal of the King of Heroes," Illya said with a very proud smile because this time she can said something that useful. "I think that's the reason Onii-chan can feel that the eight class card identity is Gilgamesh. Because they have a same weapon."

"Good answer Illya," Shirou said with a smile. "Your words is right, I knew the identity of the eight class card because the Gate of Babylon inside me, and that's the reason why I decide to fight that card only by my self and Arturia. Because only the two of us that had chance to fight Gilgamesh at equal ground."

"What Shirou said is right," Arturia said with a angry fire in her eyes. "I really want to kill that stupid King of Heroes!"

Rin, Luvia, Kuro, and Miyu finally understand the reason why Shirou knew the identity of the servant inside the eight class card. But what they don't understand is why Arturia look so angry to Gilgamesh to the point she want to kill him, what is the reason? They feel really curious about it...


The strategy session is over with a very big decision, two days from now Shirou will go to the mirror world with Arturia to defeat the eight class card. While Rin and the other will waiting outside the mirror world as a support. If Shirou and Arturia need a help in case of emergency.

Of course Illya and Kuro protest to Shirou till the end, because Shirou put himself in a dangerous situation. But Shirou didn't budge by Illya and Kuro protest, because he also doesn't want to put his two little sister in a fight they can't win.

Inside his heart Shirou have a little doubt are he can win the fight againts Gilgamesh or not. Because even though right now the both have a same power, Gilgamesh is more experienced than Shirou in using the Gate of Babylon so Shirou think that in this fight he would not using his new power. But he will combined the Gate of Babylon and the Unlimited Blade Works to win the fights againts the King of Heroes, because if he combined the two power not only he can shoot his weapon more faster than Gilgamesh but he also can shoot a true noble phantasm! Not a fake weapon like he use to fight with the King of Heroes before.


Edelfelt Hotel, Kiritsugu and Irisiviel room.

Irisviel and Kiritsugu already hearing the result of the strategy meeting from Rin. And right now they feel very dejected by the result.

"Tomorrow our son will have a hard fight," Kiritsugu said with a dejected faces. "But we can do anything to help him! It make me feel really angry!"

"I feel the same like you, Kiri. But we only became a burden if we try to help him," Irisviel said with a same dejected faces as Kiritsugu. "That's why he only ask Arturia-chan to help him, because she the only want who is strong enough to help him. He even reject Illya-chan and Kuro-chan help and only making them a support in case something bad happen."

"Illya and Kuro must be feel really angry to Shirou because he reject their help," Kiritsugu said.

"But this is all for their own goodness," Irisviel said. "Shirou doesn't want his two little sister became hurt that's why he reject their help."

"Sigh, why did he must to take all the burden by himself like his father," Kiritsugu said. "Are really that hard to accept other people help!"

"He is a too good person like his father, Ban," Irisviel said with a very said faces. "And they both had a really great power to take care all of the problem in front of them that's why is hard for them to accept other people help because not only they didn't need help, they also didn't want to see other people suffering when other people try to help..."


Underworld, The Gremory Castle.

"Mother! Why you forbid me to do a training!" Rias said in angry tone and a very disappointed faces. "I need to get stronger so I can protect my servant!"

"Shut up Rias! Your behaviour yesterday really made me disappointed to you! I knew that you love one of your servant name Emiya Shirou that defeat Raiser and save you from the engagement with Raiser, but to go meet him in Japan right when you have more important thing to do here in the Underworld! That's too much! This time I can't allowed you do a thing as you please! Canceling your engagement with Raiser already count as a special treatment. How much effort do you think your father and Sirzechs had to put in in order to take care of things with the other high-class devils? You may be the younger sister of the Maou, but there is still a limit for your selfishness!"

Venelana Bael or Gremory feel so angry with her daughter selfish behaviour. She try as hard as she can to raise her daughter to became a good, gorgeous and smart lady. But because her husband and son spoiled her daughter too much. Rias became a selfish and spoiled girl that always got anything she want even though, Rias still have a good side inside herself. And this time Venelana cannot tolerate her daughter selfish behaviour anymore! So now she will punish her stupid daughter with a harsh punishment.

"But I didn't use Onii-Sama name and title to..."

"I already say to you to shut up didn't I! So shut your mouth! And listen to what I want to say to you! Sirzechs and your father is spoiled you too much to the point, you are thinking that you can get anything you want Rias! But now because I already forbid Zeoticus and Sirzech to spoiled you Rias. You can't behave selfishly as you have in the past. And, above all else, everyone will pay attention to your behaviour from now on. And Rias, if someone found out that you try to behave like a spoiled little kid once more you will get a very harsh punishment! I warn you Rias! There will be no second instance of that kind of selfishness. Do not carry any spoiled thoughts. Understood?"

Rias can only nodded her head after hearing Venelana words and do what her mother told to her.

She can only nodded and agree to her mother word because she doesn't have a courage to protest or talk back to her mother. She really doesn't want to anger her mother Venelana. Because not even her brother Sirzech that called as the strongest devil can faced her mother anger.


Edelfelt Hotel Illya and Kuro Room. Illya feel very angry to Shirou right now, because Shirou want to fight the eight class card only with Arturia. And she told her that her help only needed when situation became severe. She feel not needed by Shirou and Illya feel really jealous to Arturia because she can fight beside Shirou.

Illya want to fight side by side with Shirou, and Illya also want to see how strong her big brother in fighting. Illya really curious how strong and cool her big brother is when he fighting because she never Shirou fight.

But that was all now only a pipe dream for her because Shirou reject her protest.

"Why Onii-chan decide to fight only with Arturia-san and said we only useful as a support," Illya sighed while talking to her twin Kuro who sat on the bed beside her. "Are he didn't know that we were pretty strong too!"

"Onii-chan is only worry about us Illya," Kuro said with a sad faces. "He don't want us to hurt, that's why he decide to fight the eight card only with Arturia-san who are the strongest girl in our side."

"I knew Kuro! I knew!" Shouted Illya. "But we have a power to help him! Why he must became so selfish in a time like this!"

"Sigh Illya are you didn't realize that Onii-chan only became selfish if the people he held dear is in dangerous situation? That's was his true nature, that why he became selfish right now," Kuro said. "He loves us too much and he didn't want us to die that's why he forbid us to fight alongside him."

Illya knew that Shirou his older brother is a good man that loves his family too much. But Shirou egoistical way to protect her still making her heart hurt, because Illya feel herself didn't needed by Shirou.

Author Note: Next Chapter will be the start of fighting againts Gilgamesh.

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