Chapter 108 - Fighting Gilgamesh 3

The three Broken Phantasm that Shirou shoot out to Gilgamesh, hit right at the spot. After that there are really big explosion that happen as the after effect of Shirou attack. The destruction that happen is more that he can imagine, that explosion is clearly more bigger than when he used the same attack to hurt Berseker.

The shockwave even reach to the place where he is standing right now, making Shirou having a hard time to keep stand.

"Shit, I didn't think that the explosion will be that big!" Shouted Shirou. "That explosion clearly more bigger and destructive than the one that hit Berseker, using 3 Broken Phantasm at the same time was not a very good idea."

Shirou Broken Phantasm attack made a really big crater, and that crater was surround by a lot of dust and smoke so Shirou can't see anything inside the crater. He really curious what had happen to Gilgamesh because of his attack.

"There is no way that arrogant king didn't hurt because of my attack," Shirou said who feel little worry that his attack don't have any effect to Gilgamesh. "Except that black mud saving him from my attack, if that happen that would be very troublesome."


Arturia who still accumulating her power inside the Excalibur can heard a really big explosion from the place where Shirou and Gilgamesh fight. She even can feel a little shockwave because of the explosion, luckily right now she was hiding inside in one of the cave that exist in the drilling project. So the shockwave that happen because of the explosion didn't affect her that much.

"Is that a sound of explosion!" Arturia said with a worried look on her faces. "Are there is something that happen in the fight between Shirou and Gilgamesh!?"

Arturia really right now want to go from the cave and helping Shirou. But Shirou already told her that nothing will happen to him even if Gilgamesh decided to go all out and using EA, so Arturia can only trust Shirou words and do a task that Shirou gave to her: Accumulating her power inside the Excalibur and do a final attack after she finish preparing the attack.

"I hope you did not hurt Shirou," Arturia said. "Take care of yourself till I ready to attack."


After all the smoke inside the crater is disappear, Shirou can saw what was happened to Gilgamesh. Half of the black mud that cover Gilgamesh body is gone and now the half of his body can be seen clearly. His skin is full of bruises and blood, and the look on his eyes is full of anger.

"Oh, wow, I did not think that my attack can hurt him that badly," Shirou said while using his clairvoyance skill to see Gilgamesh from far away. "That attack can defeat any ordinary servant, but he still safe and only have a bruises on his body. His title as the strongest servant is really suit him."

If Shirou only use his ordinary sword barrage then all of his attack will be useless because of the Noble Phantasm that floating in circle surround Gilgamesh body with a very high speed that protect him. Because of that Shirou must using his black bow and using three Broken Phantasm to overcame Gilgamesh insane defend with a lot of firepower. And his attack really work, the three Broken Phantasm can penetrated Gilgamesh Noble Phantasm defend.

[Hey Pal, now is your chance to touch his body!] Albion said. [With that black mud that cover up his body is half gone! His defence is open and now you can use my power to weaken him! Please hurry! Because I think the black mud will soon cover the half part of his body once more.]

"You don't have to tell me about that Albion," Shirou said while he took a stance and ready to fly with a high speed. "Because that was the thing that I want to do right now!"

Shirou fly away from the high cliff where he hiding and flying with a very high speed to Gilgamesh. There is no way Shirou will let out a very good chance to make the King of Heroes more weaker!


Because of Shirou attack, Gilgamesh who is in berserk mode before, start to regain his consciousness. He realize that half part of his body is hurting really bad and the other half of his body is controlled by a black mud that made his mind going berserk. And the worse part is Gilgamesh can feel that right now the power on his body only a half of his usual power.

If his body is hurting he really didnt matter that much, he already used to it in because of the fight and the war he experienced when he still became the king of Uruk.

But his pride is hurt when half of his power is stripped out from him and he was controlled by the black mud, that was something from someone with a high pride like him can't accept even tough he already realize that he was not the real Gilgamesh when he regain his consciousness.


Shirou already appear behind Gilgamesh body and try to touch his body while he held back his aura so Gilgamesh can detect his body. But outside of his expectation Gilgamesh is avoiding his hand by moving backward. And before he can made another move a lot of Noble Phantasm is appear in front of Shirou and ready to hit him. In panick Shirou spread out his wing and flying to the air to avoid the Noble Phantasm that attacking him.

'He attacking me back right when I almost touching his body!' Shirou said with a cold sweat on his cheek. 'He supposed to be in berserk state, so he didn't have a will to avoiding my attack! So how did he can avoid my touch and attacking me back! Are his consciousness is return because of my attack that erased the black mud from the half of his body?'

Gilgamesh who saw Shirou avoiding his attack by flying to the air, is ready to do more attack. But he held back his attack right now, because he really want to know Shirou identity.

"Who are you?" Asked Gilgamesh while looking at Shirou who floating in the air. "And what are you trying to do before? I can feel you want to do something dangerous!"

'He really regain his consciousness,' Shirou said. 'This is dangerous! it look like I must really go all out to defeat him!'


On the outside of the mirror world, all the support team member also can feel the shockwave that was caused by the explosion from Shirou attack. Their body is scattered around because of that shockwave. Luckily no one get hurt because they already enchant their body using the Reinforcement magic.

"What happen! Why suddenly there is a shockwave that came out from the gate to the Mirror World!?" Rin shouted while try to stand once more she feel really shock because there is an attack that loose out from the Mirror World.

"Sherou or even Gilgamesh must be doing an attack with great destructive power to the point it can shook the dimension inside the Mirror World," Luvia said who also feel as shock as Rin.

"We must go to the Mirror World now!" Shouted Illya. "I have a really bad feeling something had happen to Onii-chan!"

"Sadly Illya your worried is useless," Kuro said. "Because Onii-chan is still okay and nothing bad has happen to him."

"How did you know that!" Illya Shouted with angry tone. "Onii-chan is inside the Mirror World with Arturia-san! How did you know Onii-chan is still allright!"

"You have a spiritual connection with Shirou-san right, Kuro-san?" Asked Ruby with a teasing tone. "Same like Rin-san and Asia-san."

"Yeah, Onii-chan gave me one of his Blade Pieces to me as the magical core of my body replacing the Archer Class Card,"Answered Kuro. "That's why I can feel Onii-chan condition, Rin-san you also feel the same as me right?"

"Of course," Rin said. "What kind of girlfriend I am if I can feel the condition of my boyfriend, though I can stop worrying about Emiya-kun."

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