Chapter 117 - Before the Rating Games 3

"Azazel even though you already prepared training menu for me and my peerage member," Rias said. "Our chance to wins againts Sona still small, because Emiya-kun isn't here with us."

"Aah I totally forgot about him!" Azazel shouted and feel very disappointed to himself because he forget about Shirou. "With his tremendous power, any kind of tactics that Sona use will be useless. Because Emiya Shirou is too strong!"

"Sensei then we didn't need doing the training menu that you already prepared for us!" Issei said with a really happy expression.

"No all of you still need to do the training!" Azazel said. "Especially you Issei, in term of power even though you already doing a training with Tannin for a week but because you talent on magic and martial arts is very low, your power is even weaker than Gasper and Asia. So your training menu will be tripled!"

"Sensei! You're cruel!" Issei is crying, he didn't expect that Azazel will be so cruel to him.

"If I'm not cruel to you, Issei. Then you can't became more stronger! Because you almost didn't have any talent that useful for a battle! The only thing that made you special was the Boosted Gear that reside inside your left hand. Without that you are nothing!"

Azazel words who straight to the point made Issei feel so desperate, he knew that he was the weakest member of Rias peerage. So he trying his best to became more stronger, but all his effort is almost useless. Because he only get stronger a little bit even after doing all the training that Azazel prepared for him.

"Isse-kun dont lost your hope," Kiba said while touching Issei shoulder to giving him a little courage. "Even I have to work super hard to became this strong, and for your information you already stronger than me when I was saved by Rias-buchou!"

"Ki-Kiba-Senpai is right Issei-Senpai!" Gasper said. "Don't lost your hope, you can became more stronger!"

"Issei-kun, I know you are weak, pervert, stupid, and your luck is so bad to the point you always got an accident that almost kill you, please don't be desperate I'm sure you can became as strong as Kiba or me if you training more harder! Even though I have a doubt that you can became stronger that fast because your talent in martial art and magic are so low even more lower than anyone in the Underworld!" Akeno sincere with her heart to give Issei some hope but because of her sadistic tendency what came out from her mouth not a word that giving Issei a courage but a despair.

Issei aura became so gloomy because of Akeno words and he now sulking in the corner of the living room.

"Akeno! Your words only made Issei condition became more worse!" Rias shouted. "Why did you must saying something bad like that!"

"Ara forgive me Rias," Akeno said with a sadistic smile. "I really want to give Issei-kun more courage but weirdly what came out from my mouth is a sadistic words."

"That was because of you sadistic nature!" Rias shouted. "You really must to change that stupid tendency of yours!"

"Sorry don't wanna!" Akeno said. "S and M is my way of life! There is no way I change my way of life!"

While Rias and Akeno are fighting, Azazel give a sincere and very wise word to Issei and in an instant Issei became spiritful once more but with a very perverted face that made Koneko feel disgusted so in the end Koneko punch him straight to his chin making Issei head embeded to the ceiling of living room.

"I hate pervert!" Shouted Koneko with a very angry aura.


When almost all the member of Rias peerage try to give Issei some encouragement. Suddenly Grayfia, Sirzech wife and the head maid of the Gremory clan appeared in front of them.

"Rias-sama, Azazel-Sama and Rias-Sama peerage member the ofuro is ready."

"Ah, thank you Grayfia-Nee-Sama," Rias said to her sister in law. "I, Azazel and my peerage member will go to the ofuro immediately."

Grayfia nodded her head, and then leave the living room because she already doing her job to tell Rias that ofuro is ready to use.

"Well because the ofuro is ready to use let's take a bath and continue this conversation later!" Azazel said.

"Yess!" Shouted Rias and her peerage member. Their tactical meeting is important but cleaning their body is more important because they can feel their body full of sweat and making them feel uncomfortable.


The Ofuro inside the Gremory castle are existed in one of the isolated corner of the Gremory's garden.

Issei, Kiba and Azazel immediately immersed their body inside the ofuro except for Gasper who feel very embarassed because he not use to take bath with a lot of people and because of that he still in the confusion inside the changing room.

While Rias, Akeno, Koneko are inside the ofuro with Griselda, Xenovia and Irina who coming along to the ofuro when three of them meet with Rias and Akeno in the journey to ofuro.

"The ofuro in the Gremory castle not as good as the ofuro at Hakone, but this ofuro can be count as a good ofuro," Azazel said. "But still the hot spring at the Hakone is the best in the world for me!"

"Azazel-Sensei you seem know a lot about Japan culture," Issei said. "Are you are a Japan otaku like Rias-buchou?"

"Nah, I'm not a Japan otaku like Rias," Azazel explained. "I knew a lot about Japan because I already living in Japan for more than 50 years."

After that Azazel explaining a lot of thing to Issei when Issei asking Azazel a lot of things excitedly, but that excitement is ruined by Kiba in instant when Kiba asking something that really disgusting for Issei and even Azazel.

"Ise-kun, may I wash your back?" Asked Kiba with a blushing face.

Azazel and Issei really want to throw up after hearing that words but they trying to not too, because they will made the hot water at the ofuro became dirty.

"Ki-Kiba you are a boy who love a girl right?" Asked Azazel with a paled faces.

"I love a girl of course, Azazel-Sensei, why did you asking something like that?" Kiba is in confusion right now. He really flustered why suddenly Azazel asking something so weird to him.

"Kiba are you realize the way you asking me to wash my back is very yaoi and make me and Azazel-Sensei feel very bad!" Shouted Issei with a very paled faces.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeh!" Kiba faces became as paled as Issei and Azazel he really didn't realize that he is doing something really bad to Issei.


After Shirou taking Rin home, he decided to take a bath on the shower as soon as he arrived at the Emiya Residence. Because he can already smell a very bad odor from his body, as the result he forgot to take a bath that morning before going back home. But right when he arrived at the front gate of Emiya Residence a magical circle suddenly appear on the ground where he standing. Seeing the symbol on the magic circle that he really recognize, he immediately knew that this is one Zelretch prank. And when he try to get out of the magic circle he cannot get out at all because his body is frozen inside the magic circle.

"Zelretch! What kind of prank that you do to me this time!" Shouted Shirou.

'Don't panick Archer I only give you a gift because you defeated the eight card, I guarantee my gift will made you really happy!'

When Zelretch finishing that words Shirou is disappear from the front of the Emiya Residence transported to another places.


Splaaash! Shirou body are hitting the surface of the ofuro and making the water floundered in and when he jumped out from the ofuro he really surprised by what he see because he saw a lot of naked girl, and what make it worse was he knew all the girl in front of him.

Shirou was teleported to the ofuro at Gremory castle with only boxer covering his lower part of his body, the upper part of his body is completely naked.

"Ara, Emiya-kun! Why did you suddenly appear in the ofuro?" Akeno said. "Are you just arrived in the Underworld and decided to take a bath with us? Ufufu, Emiya-kun You're so daring."

"Emiya-kun! I'm so happy you finally arrived!" Rias said with a very happy smile. "Are coming here for me!"

Akeno and Rias were coming closer to Shirou while smiling wryly! Their big white breasts were swaying up and down right in front of him! Shirou faces became so red, even though he often seeing Rin body who also have a big breast when they sIeeping together. (Without a sex of course. He didn't want to have child before they graduated from a college) Akeno caught Shirou body in an instant before Rias did!

"Emiya-kun♪ I caught you." Squish. She embraced him from the front and almost made him have a nosebleed.

But was once again Shirou body was hit by something soft! Rias face popped out over his shoulder! And then Rias shouted:

"Akeno! Get away from Emiya-kun!"

Shirou who was embraced between the two bimbos can only shouted inside his head: 'Damn you Zeltretch and damn my E rank luck!'

Inside Shirou Unlimited Blade Works, Zelretch laughing wholeheartly seeing Shirou feel the heaven and hell at the same time. While Ddraig and Albion try their best to not laugh seeing the bad luck of their host.

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