Chapter 119 - Before the Rating Games 5

"Azazel-Sensei, where is Shirou?" Asked Issei. "Didn't you said that he would came to the Underworld to have a training with us?"

"Because of the incident in the ofuro yesterday, he sould not join us to train in the Underworld until Rias and Akeno didn't try to rape him again!"

Azazel eyes was looking to Rias and Akeno who drop their head down in ashamed, their action yesterday making them have a really harsh scolding from Venelana and Grayfia.

"Well, Shirou-kun is already stronger than any of us," Kiba said. "I don't think the training menu from Azazel-Sensei would making him more stronger or useful to him."

"What you said is right Kiba-kun," Griselda said. "Emiya Shirou power already beyond Ultimate Class Level even though I don't know the upper limit of his power, but if my calculation is correct he is on mao level right now."

"How the hell Shirou can became that strong with only a couple of month training!" Issei knew that Shirou was much more stronger than him. But he didn't expect that Shirou was that strong.

"I'm training hard for this couple of month and I even chasing by one the dragon king a whole week! And my power was barely at the peak low class devil! Meanwhile Shirou power was at the mao level! That was really not fair! Are Shirou can became that strong because of his Sacred Gear?"

"Yeah, Issei-kun is right, how Shirou-kun can be that strong in a really short time!" Irina shouted. "I'm really curious about it!"

"Emiya Shirou had a really great talent to became strong in a short time because of his lineage and bloodlines, is very special not because of his Sacred Gear," Griselda said. "So you don't have to feel jealous to him, if he can became so strong in a very short time, because he is not an ordinary human from the beginning."


After a useless talk about Shirou, Azazel and Griselda start a little briefing about what kind of training that the member of the O.R.C must do.

"I'm going to tell you about what kind of training that you will do for three weeks," Azazel said. "The trainimg menu that I will give to you will be tailored to your individual abilities."

"Azazel-Sama had a great idea for what kind of training menu that suit you all," Griselda said. "So please hear his idea."

Everyone nodded their head except for Issei who already had an idea what kind of crazy training he will do.

"Now firstly Rias, your power barely at the peak of middle class devil even though you are a high class devil, you have a very high-spec as a devil, a great magical talent, a decent physical ability and a high magical power. But because you are very lazy in your training and relying too much on your talent and your power of destruction, the development of your abilities didn't have significant improvement, your power even more lower than your knight Kiba."

Rias feel so ashamed by herself, because of Azazel words, she must admit that she relying too much her power of destruction and she even forget to train and improve the power of destruction that she had.

"It look like you realize that your lazyness making you weak, follow the training menu on this paper," Azazel said after he saw Rias reaction because of his words. "This training menu is made by your mother Venelana, so I guarantee that you would became more stronger if you follow the training menu."

After Rias seeing the content of the paper, she realize it was an advanced and very detailed training method to increase the effectiveness of the power of destruction. All this time Rias was never asking a tips to her mother how to using the power of destruction because she inspired by her older brother Sirzech that can became a super devil by his own effort. Now she realized that the gap of the talent between herself and her brother is too big. No matter how much she try she cannot became stronger if she try to copy her brother. That's why the training method that written in the paper she hold right now will be very useful for her.

'I will thank mother later for giving me this training method!' Rias said inside her hearts with a very grateful smile in her faces because of the training method that her mother give to her.


"The second is Akeno, you have the blood of one of the strongest fallen angel, Barakiel," Azazel said with a sigh. "You must accept his blood that flow inside your veins. Why you didn't use your fallen angel side? If you use that power in the fight you even can defeat Rias, and why did you only you thunder magic in a fight? If you use your fallen angel power and combined it eith other elemental magic your fight will became more easier right?"

"I rather die rather than having to use the power that comes from his blood! And I'm fine with only using my thunder magic!" Akeno really hate her father to the point she doesn't want to rely on the power of the fallen angel that she had.

"I knew the little feud between you and your father after the gathering of three power is failed," Azazel said. "But you are have a fallen angel blood flow inside your body, you must accept it no matter what. Because there is no way, you can keep fight only using your thunder magic."

Akeno can only silence and didn't react to Azazel words, but inside her heart she knew soon or later she must using the fallen angel power that she have to help Rias in the rating game or in the other fight.

"Kiba you are the next on my list," Azazel said. "If I'm not wrong you only can maintain your Balance Breaker for one hour right?"

"Yes, that was my limit for now," Answered Kiba.

"The purpose of your training is to maintain your Balance Breaker for one day!" Azazel shouted. "So you can use it in a long battle, and the last thing that I must to tell you is you must to read a book about sword making because Emiya Shirou told me that even though you have a lot of sword that can be used in any situation, but the sword you made is not good enough and easy to break, I made you read the book of sword making improve the quality of your sword."

"I understand Sensei, I will try my best to improve the quality of the sword that I made along with the training that will do under my master," Answered Kiba who realize that the quality of his sword is too ordinary so he will try his best to made the best sword.

"Gasper, your Sacred Gear is great," Azazel said. "But your control on it is suck, your training menu will improve your control on it. Beside that you already improve your shyness in front a lot of people because of Emiya Shirou illusion are try to erase you shyness completely in this training if you can. Are you understand?"

"Ye-yes Sensei," Gasper said.

"Koneko you tehnique and strength is not bad," Azazel said. "But you have a hidden talent inside your body that you never used, try to using and control it if you can. I knew you hate your hidden talent but please consider to train it beside the training menu that I gave to you."

"I'll try," Koneko said with an emotionless faces.

"And the last is for you Issei you training with Tannin will be tripled!" Azazel said. "So be ready."

Issei nodded his head, while sighing. He already guess that his training with Tannin will be doubled or tripled so he didn't feel surprised at all.

"Now is my turn," Griselda said. " Xenovia, Irina did you two want to became stronger?"

"Of course sister Griselda," Answered Irina. "That's was our purpose going to the Underworld right?"

"Yeah, that's was our main purpose going to ths Underworld," Answered Xenovia. "Became more stronger so we can't lose againt's our enemy!"

"That's the spirit," Griselda said with an evil smirk on her faces. "I will train you along with Kiba master to improve your sword ability! So be prepared!"

"Yeees!" Xenovia/Irina said.

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