Chapter 121 - The Second Rating Games part 1

Three weeks after the member of the O.R.C is finishing their training, all the members of the club is gather together in the underground transport gate at the Gremory Castle, along with Xenovia and Irina who will became a temporary member of Rias peerage only for the fight againts Sona.

"All of you already finish your training menu in three weeks, even though that was a very short time to train. I knew all of you had became more stronger!" Azazel said. "Do your best in this rating games."

"We already won againts Riser in our last rating games," Rias said with a very serious tone and faces expression. "But that doesn't mean we can win againts Sona, who was an expert tactician. She must be already have a tactics to defeat all us, with the data she gather about us all this time. So I hope all of you must be carefull all the time because fighting Sona will be very hard."

"With Sona-kaichou sharp mind she must be have way to counters all our ability," Akeno said with a worried look. "Even Emiya-kun ability."

"He is our strongest trump card," Kiba said. "It will be dangerous if Sona really found a way to counter his ability."

"Shirou is super strong! I think he can defeat Sona-Kaichou and all of her peerage member alone!" Issei said with confidence look on his eyes.

"Yeah but Sirzech and the other mao think Rias peerage will became a winner in an instant if Emiya-san decide to going all out," Azazel said with a sigh. "So they decide to forbid him to use his full power, he is not permitted to use his Sacred Gear! In other word he is forbid to use the Gate of Babylon!"

"That's not fair!" Rias shouted. "Why Onii-Sama forbid Emiya-kun to use his ultimate trump card!"

"I knew that Sirzech and the other mao treatment is seems unfair. But he is indeed can finish the rating games in instant if he use the Gate of Babylon," Azazel sighed in reality he really want to see the Gate of Babylon in action once more so he can have more research data about the prototype of all Sacred Gear. But because of Sirzech stupid rules now all of his plan is in vain.

"Sigh it's not a big problem for me even if I'm forbid to use the Gate of Babylon, I have another way to fight using my tracing magecraft that had the same effect as the Gate of Babylon," Shirou said who feel angry because he is forbid to use the Gate of Babylon even though it doesn't affect anything for him. Because basically his own personal magic tracing is more versatile than the Gate of Babylon. "But can I atleast using the divine gate from the Gate of Babylon to absorb magical attack?"

"Well I think that's not a problem," Azazel said. "As long as you doesn't use it to attack."

"That's a relief for me," Shirou said while smiling. "Because my resistant to magical attack is not that good."


After Shirou, Asia and all the member of the Rias peerage step out from the magic circle, they arrived in the fast food restaurant inside the shopping mall that not far from Kuoh Gakuen.

"This place is the famous fast food restaurant inside the Kuoh Mall," Issei said in confusion. "Why did we appear here?"

"It look like we appear in a random places," Rias said. "But I think this place will became our temporary bases to talk about the best strategy to beat Sona."

[ My name is Grayfia, and my job is to became the arbiter for this rating games]

Suddenly Grayfia appear inside the LED screen on the restaurant. Making Rias and her peerage member startled a little.

"Geez Grayfia why did she suddenly appear like that on the screen!" Rias said who can feel that her heart is beating harder than usual. "Are she want me to have a heart attack!"

"Ara ara Grayfia-san had a hobbies to startled other people," Akeno said while smiling. "Even in this rating games she still had chance to do her hobbies, she really are a first class prankster."

"Don't let Grayfia hear that word Akeno," Rias said. "She doesn't like if someone calling her a prankster."

"Oops I forgot ehehehehe," Akeno said while close her mouth with her palm. "I hope she didn't hear my word."

[This shopping mall will became the arena for battle, your main territories are the area where you warped. A pawn can use the promotion if the pawn is reaching the enemies territories, every teams is provided with a single vial of Phoenix tears and the most important rules is all of the participant of the rating games is forbid to destroy the building, so a magic attack with a big destruction power is forbid to use too! That was all the rules you must to obey! All the partipant had thirty minutes to plan a strategy, good luck!]


"The rules are really one-sided and favor Sona," Rias sighed. "That means I can't use a brute force and a big moves in this rating games."

"I was really surprised that you didn't say the rules are unfair, Rias," Akeno said. "Normally you would protest and said something like this: 'Why the rules is like this! This is unfair! Are my brother and the other mao made this rules to make me lose in the rating games!'"

"Sigh Akeno, I'll became more mature now because of the training I do with my mother, so I will try my best to hold my anger, even though I feel very angry because of the rules ," Rias said with a very deep sigh. "Even if the rules is unfair for us, I think we still be a winner because Emiya-kun is fight with us."

"Yeah, you are right Rias," Akeno feel quite happy because Rias act more mature and her spoiledness is became more tamed now. "Emiya-kun is like an overpowered protagonist from the isekai novel, even though he cannot use his strongest trump card."

"Shirou-Senpai is super strong," Koneko said. "Sona-Kaichou and her peerage member cannot win againts him with his cheat like states."

"Yeah, Shirou-kun power is really unfair," Irina said. "He is a real cheat character in a real world."

"I think he have more cheat aside the Gate of Babylon that he never show to us," Issei said. "So I don't have any worry at all that we will loses."

"Emiya Shirou is a strongest man that I knew and loved!" Xenovia said. "There is no way he would lose to anyone!"

"Sh-Shirou-san is super strong," Asia said with a very red faces. "So he will secure the victory for our group."

"I feel happy that all of you are have a great fate on me," Shirou said with a very sincere smile. "But please don't call me a cheat character or an overpowered character! I was just an ordinary human with a great Sacred Gear and strong magic!"

"Liar!" Shouted all the people in the restaurant except for Shirou.

"With your strong physical ability who is more stronger than even my brother and a magical enery reserve that atleast 10 times more than ultimate class devil! You still didn't want call yourself an overpowered character! That's really a hypocrite!" Rias feel really angry to Shirou, he is was an overpowered human but he doesn't want to admit that he is overpowered that was really a bullshit for Rias.

"Don't lie to yourself Shirou!" Issei said with angry tone. "You are a real life cheat character! Just admit it! And accept it!"

Shirou who really didn't like to be called as an overpowered human can only sighed in silence when Issei and Rias is scolding him, because for him if he was called as an overpowered person it will only giving him a lot of trouble.

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