Chapter 168 - Vs Khaos Brigade 1

Emiya's residence, in Shirou's room. Exactly one day after the big incident that occurred in Kuoh Gakuen. Shirou, who had just wake up from his sleep, looked really shocked when he saw Illya and Kuro sleeping on the left side and right sides of the bed where he was sleeping, holding his left arm and right arm very tightly.

Illya was sleeping on his left side while Kuro was sleeping on his right side, both of them were sleeping soundly by Shirou's side. And their faces both looked so happy and comfortable as if sleeping next to Shirou was the best thing that could happen to both of them right now.

"Geez why did those two can sneak into my room without me noticing?" Shirou said when he saw his two younger sisters sleeping in his bed with him.

[They both came to your room exactly half an hour after you fell asleep, Archer. After knowing what happened to you from Rin, both of them went straight into this room because they were both feel worried about you. And the reason why you didn't realized when both of them came to this room because you forgot to set up a bounded field that you usually always set before you sleep,] Zelretch said. [ When the two of them came, you were already asleep, so they decided to sleep together with you to make your body feel warmer and made you feel more comfort in your sleep.]

"Thank goodness that they didn't have any bad thoughts when they both decided to sleep with me," Shirou said with a sigh. "I know that they both like me more than a brother, and sometimes doing something embarassing to get my attention. And because of that sometimes I have bad feeling when the two of them being too close to me."

[Even though the two of them had no other intention towards you other than to make yourself feel more warm and comfortable, they both had a fight, you know. Regarding who will sleep with you in the bed, until finally Irisviel suggested that the two of them should sleep on the left side and right side of your bed respectively for a fairness, which of course was unacceptable for Arturia, Asia and Xenovia who also wanted to sleep together with you, but because Irisviel showing the scary side of herself the three girls can't do anything about it, because the three of them are afraid of Irisviel.]

Zelretch's words made Shirou gulp, because he knew that if he left his room there would be big trouble waiting for him. Shirou only hopes that he can overcome the three girls' tantrums without having to act like a beta character from a harem novel who is always trampled on by a women.


After Shirou managed to get out of his room without waking up his two sisters. Shirou feel relieved after he didn't see the three girls who couldn't sleep with him outside of his room. Shirou then walked to the sink which was not far from his bedroom to wash his face.

Then he walked to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast, because it was his turn to prepare breakfast. But as soon as he arrived at the kitchen he saw Irisviel and Kiritsugu sitting in front of the dining table as if they both already waiting for his arrival.

"Mama, Papa? What are you two sitting in front of the dining table with a faces that looking at me with such a serious look, is there something on my face or the two of you want to talk about something with me?" Asked Shirou who was confused as to why his adoptive parents were looking at him with serious look.

"Sit down, Shirou," Kiritsugu replied in a tone filled with seriousness and a stern look on his face. "Irisviel and I want to discuss something with you."

Kiritsugu with a serious face, was something Shirou had never seen before. Even his previous life when he lived with Kiritsugu for six years, he had never seen Kiritsugu in such a facial expression.

"Are the thing that mama and papa want to talk to me is about the incident that happened at Kuoh Gakuen yesterday afternoon," Shirou said as he sat down on the chair opposite Kiritsugu and Irisviel. "About my biological father's resentful energy that suddenly leaking out from inside of my right hand?"

"It's good that you already know about what we want to talk to you, Shirou," Irisviel said with a smile. "So we don't have to bother explaining everything to you anymore."

"Actually how did my father's immense resentful energy get sealed within this right hand of mine?" Asked Shirou in confusion. "If I'm not saved by the positive energy that mysteriously appear within my body, and eliminate that resentful energy, there will be a terrifying catastrophe."

"Sigh, back then in the past when your biological father almost wiped out the moonlite world of Japan because your biological mother almost died due to the actions of the Kusakabe Clan," Kiritsugu said with a sad look on his face. "He was feel so angry and resentful because he couldn't let go of the grudge he had for the Kusakabe Clan, the grudge was so intense to the point causing a huge earthquake in Japan. Once he realized how dangerous his grudge was, your father decided to transfer the resentful energy that appear because of his vengeance to a special container that can be used to store a negative energy."

"But unfortunately before he could transfer that resentful energy, the power from your right hand suddenly activate and your right hand instantly absorbed all of your father's resentful energy," Irisviel said with an uncomfortable look on her face.


"The three of us panicked because of that resentful energy, now inhabiting your right hand," Kiritsugu said. "And we don't know what will happen to you with that resentful energy reside within your right hand."

"All attempts that do by your father to get rid off that resentful energy out of your right hands failed miserably, as if that resentful energy had consciousness and refused to get out of your right hand," Irisviel said. "That's why your father decided to seal the resentful energy in your right hand with a special seal so nothing bad would happens to you."

"But in the end the seal is came off, because I overused the special power within my right hand and because of that the resentful energy is reactivated once again yesterday afternoon and causing a lot of trouble in Kuoh Gakuen," Shirou said with an annoyed expression on his face as he patted his forehead. "Sigh My E rank luck making a lot of trouble as usual."

"Everyone who inherits the illusory eye and the right hand that can destroying the law of cause and effect will always be a magnet for trouble, that's what your father told me about your future," Kiritsugu said. "But these two power will also be the way out of all the problems that you have in the future."

"Yeah, but I really don't want to solve all my problem by relying on those two powers which can be called overpower," Shirou said while holding his right hand which was wrapped in a bandage. "Because if I rely too much to those two powers, then I will become an arrogant asshole and all my other abilities won't be able to became more stronger anymore."

Kiritsugu and Irisviel smiled because of Shirou's words. They both feel so happy and proud to Shirou's because of Shirou decision not to rely too much on his High Human power, which is so strong and overpowered. The illusory eye and the hand that have a power that can destroy the law of cause and effect were indeed extremely powerful, but such a great power could cause someone to became very arrogant. The two of them didn't want their adopted son to became like that....


That night at some abandoned factory on the outskirts of Kuoh city, the Gremory group led by Rias is cornering the members of the Khaos Brigade who make the abandoned factory as their headquarters.

The members of the Gremory group that visited the factory was Kiba, Akeno, Xenovia, Shirou and Rias. Issei couldn't come because he was still suffering from his injuries, as well as Irina who was still in a coma.

Gasper and Koneko couldn't come because they both had to deal with an important client. That's why currently there are only five people from the Gremory group who can come to the factory to deal with a very dangerous terrorist group like the Khaos Brigade.

"Ara ara, why did we have to deal with terrorists like this, in a school holiday, it's really annoying!" Akeno spoke as if she was annoyed, but in her heart she couldn't wait to torture the Khaos Brigade members inside the factory. Akeno who hasn't tortured someone in a long time can feel her heart is beating really fast because she can finally make someone feel pain once again.

"Akeno, your facial expressions are showing a very different reaction from the words that come out of your mouth," Rias said who was face palming when she saw Akeno's horny face.

"Your sadistic nature that likes to torture your enemy is clearly shown on your face."

"Ara ara what did you mean Rias? I'm just a normal high school girl, so it's impossible for me to torture others like that!" Akeno said while shedding fake tears and pretending to be sad.

"Don't act like you're a normal high school girl in front of me, Akeno!" Rias shouted while pointing at Akeno using her index finger. "Many of our clients have complained that the massages you gave to them were all too painful!"

"Ara ara Rias but those clients also recovered from their body aches they have thanks to my effective massage," Akeno said trying to justify her wrong actions. "And the pain they feel is proof that the part of their body that I'm massage is have a problem."

Rias couldn't reply to Akeno's words, because Akeno's words were very reasonable and logical. She sometimes thinks and feel confused with herself, why would she accept Akeno as part of her peerage even though she already knows Akeno's bad character who is sadistic and masochistic at the same time..

Read advanced Chapter at Pa.