Chapter 189 - The Norse Saga 15

"Damn! Shirou is getting cooler and cooler in using his power!" Issei said with a sparkling eyes. "When I can be cool like that!"

"That's impossible Issei-Senpai, you are not a cool person from the beginning, and no matter how hard you try you will never be a cool person like Shirou-Senpai," Koneko said with a really harsh tones. "So give up, and just be an ordinary person and perverted loser like usual."

Koneko harsh word, making Issei feel desperate and squatting while lamenting his fate.

"He using a Second Magic like reversing his palm, and aside that he combine the Kaleidoscope with the divine gate from Gate of Babylon," Azazel said with a cold sweat drop from his forehead. "He is really a terrifying person, an individual that can solve almost all his problem alone."

"That's why I fallen for him," Sona said with a happy smile. "Because Emiya-kun was a person that not only strong but he also really smart and very good in using his power and abilities. He really are the man that suit to be my husband!"

Sona words, making all the girl who loved Shirou, like Rias, Akeno, and Koneko became angry. They are all cannot accept Sona declaration that boldly said Shirou is a man that would became her husband.

But before they can let out their anger to Sona, Azazel already said something first that made them cannot release their anger to Sona.

"Because my back up plan can be considered as a failed, I would rearrange a new back up plan to help Emiya Shirou, beat Loki," Azazel said in a deep sigh. "Ah before I rearrange the plan, Bikou you ancestor the original Sun Wukong have a message for you, 'You stupid descendant if I find, be ready for a punishment.' He called me right before the ritual to call midgardsormr is started."

After hearing Azazel words, Bikou faced became paled. His ancestor the original Sun Wukong is a very strong youkai who have a power that atleast on par with a yondai mao. A level of power that he cannot reach for now. So if he meet his ancestor right now he surely would lose badly or worse he will dies.


"My back up plan only will involved Vali and his team member," Azazel feel so disappointed that he can't involved Rias and Sona in the fight againts Loki and Fenrir. But a promise is a promise, he already promise to Sirzech and Serafall that he will not involved Sona and Rias more than summoning the consciousness of Midgardsormr. So in his new back up plan he cannot involved Rias and Sona at all. "And also the member of Grigori who have a power on par with Vali that will help us figthing Loki, and his name is Kiriel. A young fallen angel who are genius and have a great talent in martial arts and magic like Vali."

"So, that guy, huh," Vali said with a faces expression that look resentful. "He is a strong fallen angel that can match me toe to toe, I admit that. But he is too narcisstic and because of that, I'm too lazy to accept him as my potential rival! But atleast he would be useful in my mission to tame Fenrir."

"Rias-buchou why did we didn't involved in the back up plan that Azazel-Sensei arranged?" Asked Issei who already recovered from the temporary mental breakdown that he have.

"Our involment is this mission is already over Issei," Answered Rias who look sad because she cannot involved more in the mission to beat Loki and protect Odin. "So from now on my group and Sona group can only be a spectactor of the mission. If we both try to force our way in this mission then I and Sona must to face the wrath of our older sister and brother."

Issei can only gulped, because he knew how strong Serafall and Sirzech is from the story that he heard from Tannin. There is no way Sona and Rias have a power to face the two mao. And deep inside his heart he feel so relieved that he didn't need to face Loki and Fenrir. Because he knew he is too weak to fight a god class enemy.

"I decided that my back up plan now will change into a trap plan," Azazel said with a smirk on his faces. "I will set a magical circles that would transport Loki and his dog to this dimension right after he arrived at the meeting location, so Emiya Shirou, Vali group and Kiriel can fight all out when they faced Loki and Fenrir."


Emiya Residence at the night time, two hours after the ritual in the sub dimension is over. Shirou right sitting in his bed while let out Enkidu from the Divine gate. Enkidu was not a sword or a bow, so Shirou having a hard times when he using it. He is an incarnation of sword not a chain so using a chain was not an easy task for him. Thankfully Enkidu was divine chain that still have steel element inside of it, so Shirou can still controlling it albeit not as good as his ability in controlling a swords. As incarnation of the sword, steel was one of the element that he can control freely. And the reason why Shirou letting out the Enkidu from the Divine gate is to train in controlling it. So when Shirou start his fight againts Loki or Fenrir. He can end the fight faster and earlier.

When he restrain Azazel body with Enkidu two hours before, from outside Shirou look fine and Ok. But in the inside he lose a lot of magical energy just to bind the Governor general of the Fallen angel, he already using Enkidu before and the magical energy draining isn't that big. But this time because he reinforce the Enkidu and controlling it in anger. The energy draining is much more worse than before. So right now training to use Enkidu is his only option to reduce the energy draining when he try to reinforce Enkidu with his magical energy for the second time. He maybe have much more magical energy reserve than before, but that doesn't mean his reserve is infinity.

He can have infinity magical energy if he try to use Kaleidoscope, but absorbing a magical energy from the parallel world was something that he cannot do for now. With the control that he have to the Kaleidoscope. If someone else see his control in using Kaleidoscope a lot of people would think that his control is great. But what they didn't know is he can only control the Kaleidoscope to a basic level, far from what Zelretch can do with the Second Magic.

Sure he can absorb the magical energy from the parallel world if he use Zelretch Jeweled Sword. But that sword will limited his ability to learn how to control the Kaleidoscope, and that was something that Shirou pride as a Kaleidoscope user can't accept.


"Onii-chan are doing something weird inside his room right now," Illya said with a curious look on her faces. "He opened a weird golden ripple in the air and pulling out a beautiful golden chain that I'll never see. And then he moving that chain up, down, left, right like a jobless person who doesn't have anything to do."

"Illya-san, the golden ripple that Shirou-san opened in the thin air, was called a divine gate, a space and time hole that connect to the one of most powerful Sacred Gears in existence the Gate of Babylon," Ruby said explaining to Illya. "And the golden chain you see is the natural enemy to every divine being and god, the Enkidu a divine chain that have a power to bind a god."

"I already knew about the Gate of Babylon, that Onii-chan had, but I reeally didn't have a clue about the golden ripple and the chain," Illya said in innocent tone. "What is Onii-chan doing by moving that chain like that?"

"Maybe Onii-chan just training his ability to control that chain," Kuro said while reading the fashion magazine that she just bought in the afternoon. "He must to fight an evil god tommorow, so I think is not weird for Onii-chan to train his ability in controlling the chain that have a power to bind a god. Because the enemy that he must to faced is some evil god. Maybe he doing a preparation so Onii-chan can have a better chance to win againts the evil god."

"Sigh the enemy that Onii-chan must faced is getting stronger and stronger, I feel worried that the enemy Onii-chan must fight next time, would be beyond his ability to fight," Illya said in a worried tones. "Why Onii-chan must have a fate like a main character in a shonen manga!"

"For someone who have a great power like Onii-chan, is not weird if he have a fate to fight againts a very stong person or individual," Kuro said while eating a snack and flip the page of her magazine. "And Illya I think Onii-chan fate is more like a harem manga or Eroge main character rather than a shonen manga character."

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