Chapter 191 - The Norse Saga 17

"For someone who was called as one of the most smartest god in the world I didn't expect that you would fall to a simple trap that clearly too obvious," Shirou think it is very weird for a trickster god like Loki to fall into a really simple trap that Azazel prepared for him. But for the information about Loki that he got from Ddraig, Loki is an arrogant god that always think everyone beside him was a stupid person. So it's not weird if Loki can fall into a simple trap. That's because he always thinking highly about himself and as a side effect his brain cannot think in a simple ways. "Maybe your title must be changed into a dumb god and not a trickster god."

After Loki heard what Shirou said to him, a very deep anger is appear inside his heart. And in a very quick movement, Loki already appear in front of Shirou with the Fenrir that became his mount.

"I didn't know who you are you son of a bi**h! But I will kill you right here! Right now! Because you dare to call me a dumb god!" Loki who are someone that very proud about his intellect cannot accept what Shirou said to him, so in anger he try to attacking Shirou and killing him in an instant. But because of his anger, Loki doesn't realize that he fall into a trap that was prepared by Azazel.

A magical circle that project a special bounded field that will active if Loki getting close enough to the rooftop of the luxury hotel, is already prepared. The magical circle that will send Loki and all the people in the rooftop to a sub dimension where they would fighting the fake Loki all out with all the power they had.

Shirou is smiling when Loki is already in front of him, because he was fall into the trap that was specially prepared for him. Taunting him in anger was also one of his plan with Azazel, so Loki will loose his guard and fall into the trap.


Because Loki is activating the bounded field, now the magical circles that will send all the people on the roof to the sub dimension is also active. A very bright light is appear from a giant magic circles that Azazel already set up. And in an instant all the people on the rooftop of the luxury hotel is vanished from that place, including Loki who already an inch away from Shirou.

Sona and Rias is feel relieved that Azazel plan is finally worked, even though they both feel disappointed that two of them cannot involved in fight againts the evil god. Both Sona and Rias knew that they are isn't strong enough to became a help in the fight, that's why Sirzech and Serafall forbid them to fight.

Because Sirzech and Serafall didn't want to lose their dear sibling. But it really hard for Sona and Rias to understand that because their mind in blinded by the praised they will get if they both involved in the fight. And because of that Sona and Rias is still sulking because they both cannot involved in the fight. A feeling of love that came from their sibling is ignored because of the glory and praised they will get if both of them is succed in helping beat down the evil god.

"Sigh finally they gone, I'm really confused and relieved at then same time right now because a really simple plan like that can really work to trap an evil god like Loki," Sona have a mixed feeling right now, but the most important thing is the plan is really works and that what making her feel relieved. "It look like he not as smart as I thought, if he can fall into a really obvious trap."

"Well everyone in this world have a weakness, Sona and I think Loki weakness is his arrogance," Rias said with a disappointed faces. "Let's just hope that Emiya-kun and the other inside the sub dimension is succed in finishing Loki."

"Emiya-kun will succed Rias, I knew it that he can," Sona said with a faces that full of hopes. "And what we can do right now is waiting for our hero to come back after he finishing his job."


A couple meters from Rias and Sona is talking, with the members of Rias Group who are having a simple conversation right now.

"Ara ara it look like finally Emiya-kun is already gone to the sub dimension with Loki," Akeno have a deep confident in Shirou ability, he knew that Shirou will win againts Loki. But weirdly she have a bad feeling that something odd will happen inside the sub dimension and that odd thing would involved Kiriel and her. "But what this bad feeling inside my chest? Why did I have a hunch that Kiriel will doing something to Emiya-kun."

"You are thinking too much Akeno-san! There is no way that flamboyant fallen angel who think him self as the most handsome guy in the world will had a chances to beat Shirou!" Issei said in a proud tones, because he knew that Shirou was really strong. "With all the power Shirou had in his arsenal there is no way Shirou will lose."

"Issei-Senpai we are all already knew how strong Shirou-Senpai is, so you don't need to boasting him like that you're like an idiot you know," Koneko said with an irittating tone. "You already a super perverted idiot who had no brain, doesn't have a handsome face or a strong power you physical prowess also the lowest in our group so you didn't need to made your selves look more bad Senpai."

Koneko harsh words made Issei fall into the deepest desperation, he didn't expect that a cute little girl and also a mascot of the Kuoh Gakuen can say something harsh like that. And because of Koneko words, Issei now squatting in the floor with a dark cloud appear above his head.

"Ko-Koneko-chan, I think your words are a little bit too much for Issei," Akeno said who are in confusion right now because she didn't think that a harsh words like that can came out from Koneko mouth. "Even though all you said to him is one hundred percent true."

"Goodness I didn't think a cute little kitten like Koneko have a poisonus mouth like that," Kiba said with a shocking expression on his faces. "I feel sorry for Issei-kun."

"Well I knew that Koneko-chan is really hate Issei-san," Asia said with sweatdrop in her cheek. "But to think her hate to him is that big."


In the sky about one hundred meters above the building where Sona and Rias is watching the rooftop of the luxury hotel.

"Wooow Onii-chan is really gone from the rooftop of that hotel!" Illya shouted while flying up in the sky while using her magical girl mode. "Are Onii-chan would be okay fighting an evil god like Loki?"

"He will be okay Illya, you already seeing the feat that he can achieve with all the ability he haved right?" Kuro said who was standing in the air using the help from a Magical circle that Rin made for her. "So please don't have a doubt in Onii-chan like that!"

"Because he didn't need our help at all, what we will do next? Waiting for Shirou-san or we going home?" Asked Miyu. "I don't think Shirou-san will finishing the fight in just a couple minutes."

"We will check the abnormality of spaces and time that appear at the outskirt of Kuoh city," Rin said who was standing at the magic circles like Kuro. "It look like there is someone or something that came from the other dimension that force their way to our dimension."

"The abnormality is appear close to places where I found Miyu," Luvia said who already knew that Miyu was a human that came from other dimension after Miyu told everything about her self to Luvia and all of her friend. "I really have a bad feeling about this."

"Don't tell me the one who try to forced to open a hole in the spaces on the outskirt of Kuoh is someone that came from Miyu dimension," Kuro said with a serious expression on her faces. "If that was right than we have a serious problem to faced."

"But the spaces is still not broken yet and because of that we still had a chance to set up a bounded field that strong enough to sealed the space that about to be broken," Rin said with a faces that full of hopes. "And because of that right now is our job to sealed that spaces so there is no enemies that aiming for Miyu would comes to our dimension."

Everyone is nodded, their peaceful life is on the stakes, If there is an enemy that came from the other dimension, so they must to sealed the crack of the spaces no matter what! And for Miyu even though she is happy live in Kuoh with Luvia, deep inside her heart she really want to know the fate of her Shirou her dear older brother.

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