Chapter 196 - The Norse Saga 21

Shirou pulling out the Excalibur Ruler that was stabbed on the ground right in front of him. He knew that soon or later Excalibur Ruler will came out in front of him or Arturia soon or later. But this sooner? This is really beyond his expectation, and to think the heir of Pendragon family that would hide the Excalibur Ruler he feel little surprised about that.

"Finally, with this last fragment of the Excalibur, the Excalibur will be complete once more, and Arturia would be really happy," While holding the Excalibur Ruler on his right hand, Shirou already thinking what kind improvement that he will add to the complete Excalibur beside all the seven power that Excalibur had. "And I will reforge the Excalibur to be much more stronger than the original!"

Arthur Pendragon, feeling angry right now when he saw Shirou pulling out the Excalibur Ruler from the ground. Because one of the heirloom of his family that he took with him when he run off from his home with Le Fay, fall into the hand of other people. But he can't do anything about the Excalibur Ruler, because Excalibur Ruler already choose it wielder. But what made Arthur feel confused was, why did the Excalibur Ruler stabbed to the ground right in front of Shirou?

It made him wonder why did Excalibur Ruler reacting like that to Shirou. And why did Shirou can wield the Excalibur Ruler with ease while he himself must use a lot of effort only to lift it away. All that thing was really a mystery for him, because from what he knew the current wielder of Excalibur was Arturia Von Einzbern and not Emiya Shirou.


"Hosh hosh finally our mission to tame that damn dog is succed!" Vali breathing becaming really heavy and hard, because he lost a lot of stamina and magical energy only to tame Fenrir. If his mission is to kill Fenrir, Vali task will be very easy. Because killing is more easy than taming, but because their group really need the power of god slaying fang from Fenrir to strenghten the power of their group.

They didn't have any choice beside taming the divine dog. "Fighting againts that dog was really one of the hardest fight that I do in my life."

"Well atleast our group finally have a really strong mascot that have a power to kill a god," Le Fay look really happy, because for her the divine wolf Fenrir was only a cute little dog that are ready to hug and squeez. "I really want to hug that cute dog really badly!"

"Hold back your stupid desire, sis, and focus in restorting your magical energy by taking a break for atleast five minutes," Arthur said in angry tone because he lost one of his family heirloom and because of his little sister stupid act. "Because we need your magic to escape from this places, a fugitive like us didn't have a luxury to relax in the enemy teritorries. If we let our guard down even only for a little bit, a bad thing will happen to us."

"Shut up your mouth Arthur! I want to have a proper rest after fighting that giant dog!" Biko said while laying down on the ground. "You ruined my resting mood! By shouting a bullshit like that!"

Arthur really want to slap Biko mouth right now. But because he already lose a lot of his energy when the Vali group try to tamed Fenrir before, he decided that is not worth his energy and time if he try to reply Biko stupid words.


While Shirou is busy thinking and planning what he will do and add when he reforge the Excalibur. Kiriel who didn't have any magical energy left is taking out a white paper that have a magic circles draw on it. The magic circles on the white paper has a function to control the giant magic circles on the sky of the sub dimension. And right now the function that he will activated is the extra features that he add to the magic circles that will trap Shirou forever at the sub dimension.

"Hehehehe even though I lost in the competition, to have a date with Akeno but if I lock up Emiya Shirou in this sub dimension forever he also couldn't have a date with the lovely Akeno!" Kiriel bite his left hand index finger and a blood is dripping out from his finger and that blood is touching the magic circles on the white paper that Kiriel put on the ground. Usually to activated the magic circles he only need to injecting a magical energy to the white paper. But because his magical energy right now is zero, so the only way for Kiriel to activated the magic circles is by using his blood.

But sadly, his plan to activate the extra features that can trap Shirou forever in the sub dimension is failed. Because right before his blood can touch the magic circles, Shirou already destroy the magic circles using Rule Breaker that he shoot out to the magic circles with the speed of sound. Destroying the magic circles in instant.

When Kiriel saw the magic circles in the sky is suddenly destroyed. Kiriel feel like he having a heart attack, because his great plan to trap Shirou on the sub dimension is failed miserably. And there is no way he can made another giant magic circles by himself because to made the giant magic circles that have a power to trapped a divine being a lot of people was needed.


By using the Advanced Structural analysis right before the fighting againts Loki is started. Shirou already knew all the function of the giant magic circles including the extra features that have a power trap him. Of course Shirou also already knew that Kiriel was the culprit who try to trap him inside the sub dimension, but he decided let go the problem. Because he doesn't want to have a bussiness or a problem with a troublesome person like Kiriel.

Right after the giant magic circles that have a function as a magical barrier to trap a divine being is destroyed. Azazel is appear right in front of Shirou trough a a magic circles. Shirou who still holding the Excalibur Ruler in his right hand didn't feel surprised that Azazel is suddenly appear in the sub dimension because he already destroyed the magical barrier.

"It look like you already done in finishing that fake Loki, huh, Emiya Shirou," Azazel said while putting both of his hand on his coat pocket.

"Well yeah, he is really are a trickster god that live up to his name," Shirou said while putting the Excalibur Ruler into the Unlimited Blade Works. "But defeating him, is not a hard job."

"Well with that Longinus Zero of yours, killing a low level god like him is an easy task," Azazel said with a sigh. "But where is that fake Loki body? Please don't tell me that you already destroying his body!"

"I really piss off with him, and because of that I destroyed his body without a trace left," Shirou said in angry tone. "Don't tell me that I would have a problem by destroying his body."

"You will have a trouble, a really big trouble!" Azazel said while face palming. "Because only that fake Loki that knew the location where the real Loki is being held and now because you destroyed the fake Loki body, we cannot extract the location of the real Loki from his head!"

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