Chapter 219 - Chaotic Mall Night 5 End

Right when Arturia and Rin is ready to hit each other with their final attack. Shirou is stopping their moves by interrupting in the middle. Their attack was stopped easily without any struggle, and because of Shirou sudden appearance Arturia and Rin feel very surprised. Both of them didn't expect that Shirou would stopping their attack like that.

"Shi-Shirou-kun!" Rin said.

"Shirou!" Arturia said.

"Rin, Arturia what are you both doing fighting like a little kid like that!" Shirou shouted to Arturia and Rin.

"Saber is want to sleeping together with you while using a very revealing outfit that she wear right now!" Rin said while pointing her finger to Arturia. "As your girlfriend is my duty to stop her to doing something perverted to you."

"I don't want to do something like that to Shirou before we married!" Arturia said with a blushing faces. "I only want to sleep with Shirou and making him feel warm and comfort!"

"If you want to sleep with me without doing anything pervert, I don't mind you know," Shirou said with a sigh. "But please wear more apropriate clothes next times."

"B-but I think you will be happy if I sleeping with you with this seen trough negiglee," Arturia said in a shaking voices. "Kuro say to me that you love something perverted like this."

"You were tricked by Kuro, Arturia," Shirou said who decided that he would have a very good talk with his tanned little sister after she woke up from her sleep. "If we both are husband and wife then I don't mind you wearing that kind of clothes, but not right now."

Shirou words made Arturia feel so disappointed that can be seen by the expression on her faces. But not with Rin, she feel relieved that Shirou atleast rejecting Arturia approach. Because no matter what happen, she would not let other girl doing a perverted thing to her boyfriend!

"And Rin I knew what are you thinking from your expression," Shirou said. "You don't have to worried, I will not let other girl doing a perverted thing to me. Because even if I have a harem in the future, you will always be the first for me Rin. And because of that you will be the one who became my main wife."

Shirou bold words made Arturia feel angry and Rin feel shock and happy. Rin is happy because in the end she is the girl that Shirou loved the most, and Arturia is angry because Shirou is loving Rin more than her.

But Arturia can only accept Shirou decision right now, because she knew that Shirou is has been being with Rin for a longer time than her. So it's not weird if Shirou choose Rin as his main wife but not her.

That doesn't mean Arturia would give up that easily to made herself as Shirou main wife! She will try her best and show to Shirou that her loved to Shirou much more bigger than Rin love to Shirou, and then she will snatch away the main wife position from Rin.


"Hey, Shirou-kun why did you sweating so much like that even though the temperature at the air is not high at all?" Asked Rin who feel suspicious with Shirou condition.

"Yeah Shirou, the temperature in this room is not that high, but why did your sweat is dropping a lot from your body?" Asked Arturia.

"Ah, nothing I'm okay Rin, Arturia, there is nothing weird has happen to me, I was sweating so much because before I was sleep I wearing a lot of sweater, because I feel cold," Answered Shirou with the best poker faces that he could show to Rin. "The Air Conditioner in the security room is too cold and because of that I must to wear a lot of warm clothes in my body like a sweater. And that was a thing that caused my body sweating so much right now, after I came out of the security room and go to this places who are a lot warmer."

"The Air Conditioner in the security is too cold?" Asked Arturia. "Well I think in a tight room like that feeling a little too cold was not weird."

"Hmm your and Arturia words made sense," Rin said. "But where are all the warm clothes that you wearing before?"

"I left it in the front of security room," Shirou said. "Because I detached it from my body right in front of the security rooms."

Shirou really didn't understand what has happen to him right now. Because whe he saw Arturia and Rin he feel an exciting feeling all over his body, like someone that feel comfort when an opposite sex touching his or her body. That feel of comfort is so big, to the point Shirou is almost cumming and have a sudden masturbation from his pe*is.

But because of his dignity, Shirou is trying his best to holding back that exciting feeling in front of Arturia and Rin. He doesn't want to showing something embarassing in front of his two most beloved girl in the world no matter what. Because of that right now his body is full of sweat. And then suddenly a he remember that Zelretch is controlling his body for a while a couple hours ago.

And that thing making Shirou feel suspicious to Zelretch and made him think that the old troll is doing something to his body. And to prove his suspiciousness Shirou is using his advanced Structural Analysis to his own body. And in an instant he already found the main reason that his body feel so weird.

Shirou is found the reason why his body is feeling so weird. There is an unknown magic circles in his stomach, and the result of Structural Analysis has showed that the magic circles in his stomach have a function to made him feel excited and overly sensitive when he saw the girl she loved to the point he will masturbated and moaning.

'Damn it! The magic circles that was draw in my stomach must Zelretch doing!' Shirou shouted inside his mind. 'When he woke up from his sleep I'n surely will beat him up!'


"Hoooaemmh, finally morning has came, and I'm ready to faces the new days," Illya said who just woke up from a very good sleep after a lot of nightmare the night before. "Let's wake Kuro, Miyu and mama up and then took a nice bath together on the big onsen on this mall!"

Illya is ready to waking up her tanned twin sister. But when Illya is looking on her left side. Illya can see that her twins sister Kuro is still wake up on there is a very big eyes bag on her faces. And that view making Illya feel very shocked.

"Ku-Kuro there is a very big eyes bag on your eyes!" Illya said in shocking tones. "Don't tell me that you haven't sleep or close your eyes all night!"

"How I can have a sleep or close my eyes when you snoring so loudly right after so falling asleep for a second times!" Kuro shouted to Illya. "And every time I want to move to another bed so I can sleep, your hand oddly enough always hold my body tightly to the point I can move my body at all."

"Eeeeh, I'm doing something like that to you," Illya said in confusion. "How come I didn't realize it at all!?"

"That's because you are sleeping and snoring like a fat pig Illya!" Kuro said with angry tone. "And if you are dare to sleeping like that when we back to our world! I must to force to sleep outside our room right in the hall!"

After that Kuro, stand up and go to another bed to sleep. Leaving Illya on the bed they sleep the night before alone.

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