Chapter 134 - A very Bad School Day

"Gyaaa Emiyaa-kun!" Right after Shirou stepped up into the school, a large number of female students from Kuoh Gakuen immediately gathered around him.

Shirou's friendly and helpful attitude makes him loved by many girls, and because he have a handsome face which is a plus factor for all the girl who like him, Shirou is have a lot of fansgirl in Kuoh Gakuen. And in terms of popularity he was on the same level as Kiba.

Rin and Arturia who were walking beside Shirou were knocked to the ground by the fansgirls because the fansgirls thought Rin and Arturia was a nuisance for them.

'Fansgirls is suck!' Shirou said with an annoyed look on his face. 'Why did I do to these girls that convert them to become my fangirls!"

"After summer vacation is over you look even more dashing!"

"That's right! Besides getting more manly, you're also getting more handsome! Aaah you really are the man every woman's can dream of!"

All the female students who like Shirou start praising Shirou to made Shirou to paying attention to them, but Shirou doesn't really care about the girls that surround him.

Shirou slowly walked past the girls that surrounded him, then he extended his hands to Rin and Arturia while saying:

"Rin, Arturia are you two okay?"

"Yes," replied Arturia while holding Shirou's left hand. "I am alright."

"Tssk your fangirl is so annoying you know!" Rin said while holding Shirou's right hand. "You have to do something about them Emiya-kun!"

"I've already tried it Rin," Shirou said with a sigh. "But all my efforts are useless, just take a look at the girls!"

Shirou pointed at his fangirls who were looking at Arturia and Rin with eyes filled with anger. He really didn't know what to do to deal with troublesome fangirls.

"Tch again, those two girls are blocking all of us from approaching Emiya-kun!"

"You're right that these two girls feel they deserve to be with Emiya-kun just because they are close to Emiya-kun! The two of them really make me angry!"

"They're all didn't want to give up their feeling to me! Wven though I said that I'm already have girlriend I've also tried to chase them all away using various means so that they don't approach me," Shirou said. "But it's all in vain they've all been blinded by their love for me!"

To make the fangirls stay away from him, Shirou even scolded them harshly.

But that also couldn't make the fansgirls stay away from him because the fansgirls thought that Shirou scolding them to test their loyalty to him and as a result they shouted that Shirou looks cool when he's angry.

Rin and Arturia couldn't help but sighed at the girls' reactions, they knew it was useless to argue with Shirou's fangirls, so finally they both decided to take Shirou away so the fangirls couldn't approach Shirou again.

Shirou's fangirls immediately tried to catch up when they saw Shirou being taken away, but they were all confused because suddenly Shirou, Rin and Arturia disappeared when they tried to chase them, what the fangirls didn't know was that Rin and Arturia brought Shirou to the roof by jumping of at high speed to made all that the fangirls think that the three of them had suddenly disappeared, even though the three of them were only moving at a speed that was hard to see for ordinary people.


On the roof of the school, Shirou, Rin and Arturia felt a little relieved. Because at least the three of them managed to outwit the insistent fangirls.

"We can't go to class for a while," Shirou said while wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Because I'm sure that my fangirls are waiting for us in front of the class!"

"Then the only way is for us to stay here at least until the class is started," Arturia said.

"This place is not very comfortable, for us to stay," Rin said. "Shall we wait in the O.R.C room at the old school building?"

"Good idea," Shirou said. "Let's go over there!"


"Wow just when Emiya Shirou entered the school there were already a lot of girls surround him just like Kiba," Xenovia's eyes

is bright up when she saw Shirou surrounded by a lot of girls. In Xenovia's eyes a valiant man like Shirou deserves to be surrounded by many women. "The man of my dreams is really macho! So many women like him! That is proof that he is an alpha male! Coupled with the act of reaching out to help Arturia-sama and Tohsaka-san stand up he is a real man among man!"

"Sigh Nee-san is really lucky to have a boyfriend like Senpai!" Sakura said with a disappointed look on her face. "But I won't give up! Because I know one day Senpai will be mine!"

"Uggh why don't I ever get a romantic moment with Sherou! This is really annoying!" Luvia was biting her handkerchief again, she really couldn't accept the romantic moment between Rin, Arturia and Shirou that happen in front of her. "You'll see! Tohsaka Rin! Arturia Pendragon Von Einzbern! One day I will upset you both with a romantic moment that will happen between me and Sherou!"

"Nnn Emiya-Senpai is indeed too popular because he is kind, not perverted and has a good-looking face," Koneko said. "It's only natural that he's surrounded by a girls like that."

"I'm really grateful that this time I'm not the one being chased by fangirls," Kiba said who look relieved. "Because fansgirl is suck!"

"Ara-ara for some reason Emiya-kun's popularity has increased after summer vacation ended," Akeno said who saw the conflict between Rin, Arturia and Shirou's fangirl from afar. "Emiya-kun is a man full of sin. How can he make all that girls fall in love with him."

"As a man he have a very extraordinary charm it's only natural that all the girls like him," Rias said while was standing next to Akeno. "Even both of us became a victim of his charms, don't we?"

"You're right Rias," Akeno said. "Emiya-kun's charm is too great, to the point that even high-class girls like us can fall before him!"

"Hmmph Arturia-san and Rin-san are cheating!" Asia said while puffing her cheeks. "Those two are monopolizing Shirou-san like that was sucks!"

"Patience Asia," Griselda said while patting Asia's shoulder. "Those two are the two girls who are closest to Shirou-san so it's only natural that the two of them can monopolize Shirou-san."

"Ahh Shirou is surrounded by girls again," Issei said. "If I was the stupid perverted man like before, I would have been jealous, but now that I think about it I feel lucky that I'm not surrounded by girls like that and only have one girlfriend, Shirou is having a hard time because of his fansgirls! Having harem and being surrounded by lots of girls isn't as fun as I thought!"

"It's good that you're throw away your stupid dream, to have a harem Issei-kun," Irina said who held Issei's arm tightly while smiling. "Because you are mine alone!"

'There's no way I can say I feel jealous of Shirou if there's a yandere and scary girlfriend next to me like Irina!' Issei said with coldsweat on his cheek.


Issei's class, half an hour before the class starts.

"Hey Issei! Did you see that that bastard Emiya is being surrounded by girls again!" Matsuda shouted with an annoyed face.

"That bastard is even more popular than that damn Kiba!" Motohama said. "Uurgh I really feel jealous of him!"

"Of course, because I was not far from Shirou just when he was surrounded by a lot of girls," Issei said who was engrossed in his conversation with Irina. "And don't call him an asshole, he's one of my best friends you know!"

"Well, Issei-kun is right even though Emiya-san is a future harem king in the truest sense, you two losers who usually only do lewd things don't deserve to say bad things about Emiya-san!" Irina said with her remarks that were very piercing for the perverted duo.

"Hey Irina! Come here! Me and all the girl in the class have something to ask to you!" Aika said right after Irina is stopped talking.

"Ah okay!" Irina said.

After saying that Irina left Issei, Matsuda and Motohama because Aika is calling her.

"Uurgh Issei your girlfriend's words are too sharp I can't even reply to them!" Matsuda said.

"Matsuda's right!" Motohama said. "Why the hell do you have to have a scary girlfriend like Irina-chan!"

"You two don't know how scary my girlsfriend is," Issei said with cold sweat running down his cheeks and a pale face. "So next time you guys keep your mouth shut in front of Irina, you're lucky she wasn't so angry earlier, if she was really mad. You could end up in the hospital!"

Matsuda and Motohama swallowed their saliva, after hearing Issei's words and seeing his pale face both knew that Issei had not lied to them. Irina is a very scary woman and they won't want to say something strange again in front of Irina, because they still love their lives.

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