Chapter 136 - Rias Worried

After school in the Occult Research club,

Shirou going to the club to do some devils works for Rias, because he was still a part of Rias peerage even though he was only a temporary members. When Shirou open the door of the club room, he only found Rias that sitting in her usual seat. The other member of the club is busy fullfiling the contract with their client and because of that only Rias who didn't have job that present in the club. Rias faces look so depressed and full of confusion and she even didn't realize when Shirou arrived.

"Rias-buchou," Shirou said shile he touch Rias shoulder.

"Gyaaaaa!" Rias shouted, she feel so surprised when Shirou touched her shoulder to the point Rias faces made a really weird expression.

"Wooow, I didn't knew you can made your faces became like that Rias-buchou," Shirou said while trying his best to not laugh. "You really have a weird hidden talent."

"Emiya-kun! Please don't startled me like that!" Rias said while touching her left breast because her heart is beating so fast. "Are you want me to have a heart attack!"

"Ahahahahahahaha I'm sorry Rias-buchou, earlier you are look so depressed when you are daydreaming," Shirou said. "So I try to break your daydream by touching your shoulder, so the depress look on your beautiful faces can be gone forever."

"Sigh whatever," Rias said whose faces became red after she heard Shirou praising her look. "Emiya-kun next time try another way to break my daydream! Your way to break my daydream earlier is not good for my health!"

"Ah, okay," Shirou said. "But atleast because I break, your daydream your depress look is slightly gone right?"

"Ye-yeah I can't deny that!" Rias said with a blushing faces once more. "But please! Don't try to do that again to me!"


"So Rias-buchou why did you look so depressed and stressed before?" Asked Shirou while preparing a tea and snack for Rias because Akeno is not in the club room right now. "Are you have some problem in your mind right now?"

"Sigh, yeah I have a lot of problem that need a solution right now," Answered Rias while sipping a tea that prepared by Shirou. "I and Akeno already doing a brainstorming for a couple hour to the point we skip the lesson on the class, but we cannot found a solution for my problem!"

"Hmm let me guess, are your problem was about what will happen to your peerage in the future when I, Asia, and Issei is no longer a part of your peerage after you graduate from highschool?" Shirou only try to made a lucky guess about Rias problem at first when he said that words, but when he saw Rias shocked expression who became paled after she heard his words. Shirou knew that his lucky guess is right on the target.

"E-Emiya-kun how did you knew that!" Rias said in a suprised tones. "I haven't told you what my problem is! But you can guess what is my problem with 100% accuracy! Don't tell me you have an ability to see the future with that special eyes of your! Or don't tell me you have a telepathy and read my mind using the telepathy!"

A sweatdrop is dropdown from Shirou cheek, he didn't expect that his guess can pull out Rias inner otaku.

"Eh Rias-buchou to tell the truth my words earlier only a lucky guess," Shirou said whike wiping a sweat on his cheek. "And I didn't think that my guess is 100 % accurate!"


"So your words earlier only a lucky guess, and you didn't have a telepathy or an eyes that can foresee a future?" Asked Rias with disappointed look.

"I cannot read mind or see the future with my special eyes Rias-buchou," Answered Shirou. "I only can break an illusion and made illusion using this eyes."

'Liar!' Zelretch said with mocking tones. 'You can read entire life experience of your enemy if you using the illusion eyes to your enemy! Not only that you also can saw a future to a certain degree with that eyes of yours!'

'Shut up Zelretch!' Shirou said in angry tones. 'There is no way I will tell Rias about the true ability of my eyes! Not even Rin knew the truth about my illusion eyes! If they knew I have a reality warping eyes that can controlling someone fated, it could be a disaster for me and my family!'

'Yeah, but are you forget that almost all of your enemy knew that you are the son of the high human that made a havoc in this dimension in the past not only that you have the Allmighty God as your boss,' Zelretch said. 'So you don't have to worry about the safety of yourself and your family!'

'I knew my biological father reputation and the power of the Allmighty God will protect me and my family,' Shirou said in a very serious tone. 'But I don't want to take a risk to put my family in danger! If I try to put my family in danger isn't that like I try to tempt the God? I already have a lot of Sin, Zelretch I don't want to do another Sin that only causing a problem for me!'


"Sigh that was truly disappointing!" Rias said with a grim look. "But whatever, now you knew what my problem is. Emiya-kun can you found me a fine solution to solve my problem?"

"Well Rias-buchou after I knew what your problem is I already have a several solution to solve it," Shirou said. "Are you want to hear it?"

"Yeah of course I want to heard it," Rias said with a happy look on her faces. "I'm quite surprised that you already have a solution for my problem, even though you only knew about it for a moment."

"I was a fast thinker you know," Shirou said. "If I don't have a fast mind, how I can beat every enemies that I faced in a short times?"

"I knew you are strong and smart Emiya-kun," Rias said. "But please can you talk straight to the point and tell me what is the solution?"

"Oh okay," Shirou said with a red faces because he forgot about the more important topic because he is too busy prided himself in front of Rias. "The first solution is to search a good candidate for your peerage member trought some kind of tight selection or competition right after you are finishing your highschool Rias-buchou, with your power and beauty I think this was the most fitting way to search for a good peerage member."

"That was a good idea I think," Rias said with a smile. "But I think I will use that way for the last resort, are you have another idea Emiya-kun?"

"Hmm my next idea is what if you try to hire Irina and Xenovia as your temporary peerage member to fill the empty spot," Shirou said. "You already knew their ability, and they also were already temporary members of your peerage before on our last rating games, so I guess with the right fee they both would want to become temporary members of your peerage Rias-buchou."

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