.... School bell ringing...
Amelé can I accompany you and Sarah in going home?
I stop packing my books as I try to let his words sink in without getting distracted by James' handsome face. I don't know since he transferred here in our barangay's public school at 3rd grade I really like hanging out with him. He is also intelligent and always the 2nd honor in our class. And me being always the 1st honor we've got a lot of academic contest trips and group studies together.
Amelé ??? Are you okay?
Oh James I'm so sorry, what did you say again.? I asked trying to hide my blush of embarrassment.
I was asking if I could go with you and Sarah in going home.
Ohhh it's okay you can always go with us. I said as normal as
I could so he couldn't see my excitement.
Whenever were together it feels like that the surrounding is muted and in slow motion. Could be a childhood love, crush or infatuation.?
Amelé, James let's go, sooner it'll get dark. We still have a long way walk. Sarah interrupted my day dreaming again.
C'mon Sarah it's Friday the road will be very busy, why are in so much haste? I irritatedly grab my backpack and motion James to follow me.
Thanks goodness you two are already here. I could feel my varicose veins starting to pop. Whenever you two are talking it seems that you have the eternity not even minding that someone pretty lonely girl is waiting. Let's be honest, since we got to this point, what's your real score? Are dating or already lovers?
Ahmmm actually... James tatters
Actually Sarah it's getting late and we need to be home, let's go... I interrupted James and half drag Sarah to the gate, leaving James but to follow us.
While walking James and I are sa quite while Sarah keeps on counting the pros and cons if James and I will become lovers which makes the two us feel the more awkward and silent from each other.
It's my house already, I'll take it fron here, good bye Sarah , goodbye Amelé, see you on Monday and don't forget the dance practice.
Bye James see you.
Ciao James aren't you going to give Amelé a good bye kiss? Well don't mind me I'm invisible, I'm not here. I'll turn my back on you two. Sarah teases with a wide grin.
Don't mind her James see you, we'll be going. I once again drag Sarah and hit the rode.
What was that? Sarah, I dare you act like that again and I will never go nor talk to you, ever.
Chill Amelé, It was just for fun, you two act like wet chicks whenever I ship you two. Your reactions are precious. And besides I knew it already that you have a crush on him. So consider my moves as my early recognition gift to you Miss forever first Honor.
Thanks for the concern and effort but we don't know if James will be comfortable with it, so please stop it okay?
C'mon Amelé, in 2 weeks 5th grade is over, you two won't be seeing that much again, you surely knew that he always spends summer with her family in the city. Next time you'll see him will be the opening of the 6th grade, next thing you know he will be studying in a private high school in the city, might as well grab this opportunity before it's too late. Anyways I'm already here, don't forget I visit you tomorrow, we'll choose the music for the final presentation. Good bye, be safe and meditate on what I've said to you.
Tsktsk... Okay okay miss beatiful cupid, I'll go ahead see you tomorrow.
Walking alone is my favourite thing, it's so relaxing and it helps me think more, specially of what Sarah said. I am so drowned in my thoughts I almost bump with my brother Pete, dribbling ball in our front yard.
Watch out, Princess this is not your royale castle, why are you in haze?
Oh bro, its.....
Is it true that city boy James is courting you.? You're too young for these things, you study first. Look at me, I am already in high school but I don't have a girlfriend. Do you understand?
Psst Pete what's that? My Mother sweeping dried leaves interrupted.
Stop that Pete let her decide, okay? It's just normal, she is now in her adolescent stage. I don't mean to be too considerate, but I want you to know that you are getting old, you all are intelligent and I know that you are well aware the good and the bad. I just want you children to make the best decisions in your life, of course you can always consult us but the decision making is still in you. Do you get what I mean?
And for you Pete l, maybe the reason you can't get a girl friend because you're afraid to be rejected.
Thank you MOM... I hugged mom, and show face to my brother, bleeeeh 😝.
But mom, I think you and dad should reconsider about Amelé she is the youngest and she is a girl. Rules should be different. My brother reasoned out.
Stop that nonsense, if you want her to do good decisions you her 3 older brothers should strive to be a good example just what me and your dad to you 4. Okay?
C'mon you help Vince in tidying your big bro Ram's room. Remember it's friday they'll be home any minute now. And you Amelé go get change we all have our dinner as soon Ram and your dad arrive.
In my room I hurriedly change into my pjs and lay there staring at the dark rusty sky... I really like staring at the sky it makes me feel relax, and also the waves on the see or being the top of a hill or mountain... Ugggh my comfort zone.
I am about to enter a deep sleep, when I heard noises downstairs. I jump out of bed and fixes my hair, Dad and Ram must have arrived. This is one of the reasons why I really like Fridays, dad and Ram is here whole weekend, my allies. Mom is nuetral, Pete is so annoying and Vince is indeferent and ignores all of us all the time, so these two people is my favourite, and besides they spoil me a lot. 😊
MONDAY morning, James approached me at the social hall while I am busy preparing the sound system for the practice.
You know Amelé, it will be summer vacation in a few more days, and I really like spending time with and I will surely miss our group studies together and I think..
Okay class,I want your full attention please, this is Zoe my neice and she will be helpin
THE final presentation will be in two days. Almost 2 weeks has passed and all we did is dance practice here and there, this keeps all of us busy, and I don't get to see James that much he is either absent or leaves for home earlier. I kinda miss him. What if Sarah's premonition i true? Uggghhhhh.
Hey Amelé! Why are you pulling your hair? Sarah said frowning at me.
Are you okay?
Yeah yeah, I'm perfectly fine. I excuse myself and heads for the bathroom to change my soaking wet clothes from sweat.
Wait, wait,I think I smell something fishy in here, and you are free to correct me if I'm wrong that you are missing someone named James, right.?
Sighing I stop on my trance and faces her. Okay, okay you are right. I will now believe in your intuition. So?
So? What are you going to do? Will you wait for the opening of the 6th grade claas? She asked back.
Nope, I tink we could stull talk on recognition day, remember we will be setting next to each other. I answered smiling.
Yeay, that's my girl, she chirped and half hug half squeeze me.
C'mon let's get change and head home.
RECOGNITION day and it's nth time checking myself at the mirror. I woke up early and get myself ready as much as I could but it seems not enough. Come on Amelé, you are beautiful inside out, have you forgotten? So wrap yourself up and stay calm, everything will be alright.
Knock, knock, knock
Amelé let's go or we will ve late for the program. My mother interrupted my self talk again.
TWO hours had passed since the program has started but the seat next to me is still empty? Where is he? Sooner our names will be called to go up the stage to receive our awards. I think he is not just late, h is not attending the program.
I am right he did not show up, only his grandfather went up the stage to get his awards. The program has just ended and I am heading to the locker room to gather my things when I saw James' grandpa arranging his things on a box.
Excuse me Sir, your James' grandad right?
Yes dear, and you must be the famous Amelé. You know you are the only topic in his conversation with us his grandparents and to his friends and cousins. I must say he has a big crush on you 😉.
Uhhhh hhehe grandpa, where is he? Why is he absent on a presentation and a recognition day?
He didn't tell you? His real dad arrived from US and he took him for a vacation to his' dad's family. It will be his first time meeting them. I might not be seeing him more often, his dad want him to continue study in the city with his mom and step siblings so that his real could easily contact and visit him.
What? Why so sudden grandpa?
I don't know dear,even James was shocked too, a week ago his mother arrived with his real dad and that was it we his grandparents were not prepared too. I could clearly see James is adamant of leaving, he was sad. I think he liked it here more. You know he was so excited to study high school here.
He wasn't able to say goodbye to you. When was the last time you talked?
The other Monday grandpa, then we became too busy and he's always absent. I feel like he is distancing himself from us. And the last time we talked he is about to say something important but we were interrupted by practice. He might say goodbye at that time.. Ohhhhh 😭
Don't worry dear, since he is in the city whole year I'm sure he will be spending summer vacation here in our town, so you will be seeing him again.
I hope so grandad.
Don't loose hope dear, if it is mea that you will see each other again, it will happen. I know he is also looking forward of seeing you. So don't be sad, okay?
Okay grandpa, thank you.
See you soon dear, I'll go ahead. And congratulations once again.
I was left there rooted on my position. When will we see each other again? Will he still the same? Or he'll be like those usual city boys? I just hope he will not forget me and find a way to see or even contact me...haizt.
Amelé eeeeeehh,!!! I knew it! I knew it! look a letter, a lette!!! Sarah shouted running towards me.
Sarah what happened?
Nothings happened but something is here. A letter from a Loverboy named James to his Dear Amelé eeeeehhhhhhh. Open it, come on, I'm so excited!!!
I nervously took the letter from Sarah and tried hard to control my shaking hands.
Amelé dear,
I'm so sorry I wasn't able to talk to you again, I became busy and can't even attend recognition day. By the time you're reading this letter I am already travelling with my dad for the Vacation. I wish I could come back before 6th grade starts so we could talk properly. I will also ask dad to let me spend my summer vacation in your town so we still spend time together. You may be wondering why I am saying these to you. Amelé dear, I really like you, since 3rd grade and I am hoping that one day I could tell these to you in person. Stay on top of your game, stay healthy, kind and beautiful. I'll see you one day ❤️❤️❤️