FOUR years flies so fast, in few more weeks I will finish my junior high school. Yes, four summer vacation has gone but not a single soul of James showed up. Well, I am not that heart broken anymore, after a two summer of expecting I gave up and moved on. Life is just like that people come and go, so we have to live what is in front of us, as of the moment. Besides I'm in high school now, bigger school means more friends, more fun and more memories. And the sudden change of heart of my brother Pete is a big help. Imagine, he now lets me go with him on basketball tournaments and he's not that annoying anymore but he's becoming a playboy...shhhhhh.
Last summer Pete introduces me to his team to be their muse, so I got to spend almost my whole vacation with them. I pretty likes his teammates. They are sweet, caring and spoiling me as always but just like Pete they are always hitting girls except for Kirk an NGSB. He seems to be always chaperoning me, or more like baby sitting me. He is handsome (chinito type) and mysterious that's why many fan girls likes him. He is same my age but a year later than me in school since I started studying at an early age. Since he started high school, after classes he is always at the gate waiting for Sarah and me to which my assuming bestfriend finds it intriguing and started to confront Kirk. But as usual he will only reply Sarah with a smile showing off his dimple on his left cheek as his eye forms into two beautiful crescent moons. Yeah,,,, that smile of him always gets my attention.
MONDAY, and Sarah is absent again, which I don't know why, she hasn't texted me yet, no dragging, no squeaking in short a peaceful lone Monday but not in going home, the usual scene Kirk is waiting by the school gate.
Amelé, wheres Sarah? Kirk greeted me a question.
She's absent again. C'mon let's get going. I want to sleep early.
Aren't you hungry? Let's grab some snacks at the park befor heading home. My treat. 😉
Whoooaah sure as long as you're paying.
THE supposed to be short snack time became hours of talking about our personal lives and stalking some couples passing by dating at the park. I got to know him more, he is kinda mysterious and distant because he doesn't want to get attached and familiar with many, it seems he has issues with it. Soon I gotta find out, not that I'll dig, I just have this feeling that this will not be the first time he'll open up with me.
Amelé, you know what I really like of you is that you are not that picky of a girl. You treat everyone as your friends with no second thoughts, you can bond with us boys and the same time can be as girly as you can whenever with your girls friends. I could feel that your so genuine in every word you say or in every action you do for others. I know you've been treated as a princess not in terms of material things and money but in Love and Affection from your family but you never get spoiled or became a brat. And I'll forever be amazed by that character of you.
By the way Amelé can I invite you for an early dinner by the seawall this Friday after class? And I hope it will be just the two of us, no Sarah.
What??? Why can't she go with us? Are you sharing your secrets.?
Just think of it more like of a date, you silly...
Ahhh okay, I'll check if Sarah and I hadn't made any plans beforehand.
Great!!! Let me know the soonest.. Thanks Amelé.
WHAT??? why am I not invited? Sarah's deafening reaction as I words for words retold Kirk's invitation for this afternoon.
I hope you understand Sarah, if it is me, I would rather invite you too. Just this once, okay???
Amelé, don't worry I fully understand, and besides I don't wanna be a third wheel. I'll get my own partner so it will be a double date soon. Ayeee! am super excited here, you've moved on from James. Hhhmfffpp it will be his great loss for not being true to his words.
Anyways Amelé I'm so happy for you. This is it, this is really is it!!! So you hurry up and don't ever be late. Look at the time, class is almost over ---school bell ringing---
HI Amelé, hi Sarah!
Hey Kirk, you two enjoy yourselves! Okay? And take all your time, don't forget it's Friday!
Thanks Sarah, so Amelé, let's go?
Let's go, Kirk. Bye Sarah, see you on Monday! Enjoy your weekend too.
WE'RE here, do you like the place, Amelé?
Yeah, I've been really planning to invite Sarah to eat here while watching the sunset.
So you've been here?
Nope, the plan got always postponed. So it will be my first time.
Great!By the way is it okay if we'll wait for a while.
Why? Are we waiting for someone ---
He's here! Kirk interrupted me as he stands up to meet someone.
Amelé, please meet Ryan, my best friend. Ryan, this Amelé, I know you've been wanting to meet her ever since first year, right?
Nice finally meeting you Amelé.
Nah-nah-nice meeting you too. I awkwardly smiled to Ryan and shot a meaningful look to Kirk.
Let's order food, Ryan interrupted the slight silence.
Sure, let's go. Kirk added.
Amelé, what do you want.? Ryan asked.
Ahhh me? Just 5 sticks of barbecue please, no fatty part. That's all.
We eat with a little chitchat and then sit by the seawall, watching the waves crashes the dike. Then Kirk suggested he'll buy some chips and beer.
You know Amelé, I've been really wanting to meet you that's why since I knew that you're close to Kirk too, I've been asking him to set us up. I may sound so aggressive but I want to know you more. Can I court you Amelé?
Ahhhh, hmhmhm you know Ryan I don't want to be judgemental but I don't want to give false hopes too. But it is best if we will become friends first, you seem nice but I guess I'm not ready for the word "us" as lovers. It doesn't mean I'm not giving you the opportunity, I believe even as friends a person can show love and care to someone. Maybe at the perfect time we'll get there.
I know Amelé, thank you very much for the opportunity of friendships , I will not stop showing my sincere love for you. I will hold on to what you will say that one perfect time will come for us.
Yeah one day.
SUNDAY morning, Sarah can't contain her curiosity and visited me just to interrogate me.
Whaaatt??? That Kirk, he didn't invite for the reason to be solo with you but to be a bridg6 between you and his bestfriend? I have hopes that he really like you. So it means his being close to you is just part of his friend Ryan's plan of courting you? Unbelievable!!!
It's okay Sarah, next time let's not assume and wait things to unfold, and besides Ryan seems nice.
So do you like this Ryan, already?
No, not that. I offer him friendship and he's happy with it So don't blame Kirk about it okay, on Monday I hope everything will go back to normal.
No Amelé, it will never be the same again, let's just move on with it, okay?
You're right Sarah, that's the best we could do.