Have You As Vice-Chairman

When morning came, Daryl and Kenzie ended up going their separate ways because Kenzie had a very important meeting to attend to pertaining to the company while Daryl went directly to the hospital to check on Kenzie's father before his surgery.

He just sat next to his father-in-law's bed after checking up with the doctors and the hospital with regards to his surgery that was scheduled to start late in the afternoon.

"I am sorry, Son. Your wife will be very busy for quite some time and it's all my fault, involving her in these matters about the family business," Jack lamented.

Daryl smiled and said, "It's not your fault, Father. I understand. Kenzie is your heiress so it's natural that she should take up all responsibility. Don't worry, please. It doesn't matter as I intend to help her so she won't be loaded with too much work."

Jack's face lit up with a smile that stretched from ear to ear, on hearing Daryl's words.