Her First Love

At Chua Group Building

CEO Kenzie had already left. Cris had to stay back for a while to fix some issues and take care of some documents. As soon as she was done, she left her office, which was connected to the CEO's office, and hurried towards the elevator. 

Her mobile phone rang so she picked it up from her bag while walking towards the elevator doors.

"Ouch!" she muttered when her head bumped into something hard. She felt a strong grip on  her shoulders and heard a voice ask, "Are you alright, Cris?"

Cris gulped on hearing the familiar voice. She raised her head and looked at the man standing in front of her. 

Her heart was throbbing hard like it always did, whenever she was near him.

"Yeah. Ahm.. Yes, sir, I'm fine. S-sorry…" she whispered and silently cursed herself for stuttering. She felt nervous as usual and she didn't even know when she would overcome it.

Her eyes looked at her shoulders. He was still holding on to her.