
Cris calmed herself as she walked towards Brix. He stood and pulled up a chair for her. Brix was always a gentleman and yet she could not keep herself from blushing. She reminded herself that Brix had invited her to dinner to ask her for a favor and she should not give any meaning to anything he did.

"Thanks," she whispered with a half-smile.

"What is it that you need? You said you need my help?" she asked forthrightly.

Brix gave her a roguish smile and coyly said, "Can we order some food and eat first? Here." He handed her the menu. She did not comment and looked for something to eat.

Cris tried to relax and casually placed her order. She still could not believe that she was having dinner alone with her first love. Her heart was throbbing…

*Thump *thump

She could hear it beating loudly within her chest.

Brix gave their order to the waiter and then shifted his gaze to her.