Missed You

Han bilu drove to the airport at noon to pick up her friend Lu Man. Who by then, was already waiting outside the airport for her since Han bilu was 10min late.

Lu Man was clearly very anxious and couldn't sit still, so decided to wait outside the airport for her friend whom she mixed a lot and couldn't wait to see.

"Bilu dear" Han bilu heard someone shout her name immediately she stepped down from her car. Turning around, she saw her friend rushing towards her with her two suitcases, drawing attention from everyone outside the airport because of her loud voice and clumsy movement of trying to run with her handbag and two heavy suitcases in tow.

'she'll never change' thought bilu as she quickly ran to help her friend before she falls down.

"Manman l missed you sooo much. Thank God you are finally back". Bilu hugged her friend and said, clearly happy about her best friend return.

"Hmph, I thought you didn't miss me like I did but clearly, you've just been pretending to be cool without this goddess by your side. Not to worry though, I'm back now. This goddess here will make all your worries disappear and bring light into your world". Lu man said with clear exaggeration.

"Alright goddess, let's go now as we're starting to draw attention from everyone " bilu mused. she can never get enough of her friend's narcissistic nature and her habit of being a drama queen whenever there's any slight opportunity.


"So my dear Bilu, tell this goddess here. why were you crying last night? Hmm?"

Lu man asked immediately they were sitted in the car clearly impatient about hearing what made her best friend so dazed and sullen when they chatted through video call last night.

"Who upset my dearest?"

"When did I cry? Anyway, what do you want to eat dear? steak, seafood or what ?, there's a new restaurant in town and their steak tastes heavenly, why don't we do that or do you prefer seafood? Anyways, I think they offer seafood too so let's just go there." Bilu asked her friend series of questions clearly trying to avoid the topic as she didn't want to talk about what she found out last night and spoil her mood.

Lu Man knew her friend was avoiding the topic but she didn't insist since she had alot of time to find out what happened anyway.

"Alright let's do steak then, I just hope they have some good wine to go with it "

" Yeah, they do dear." Bilu was glad her friend didn't insist on it. She wasn't ready to tell her just yet and she didn't want to spoil the mood.

And just like that, Han Bilu drove them to Crowns King restaurant.