
After the two friends were done with their Lunch, both decided to go shopping since Lu Man didn't come back with an appropriate dress for the occasion tonight.

"Bilu dear, could you for christ sake tell me why you insist on going to that party tonight.. l mean it's a business event and you know how much I abhor such gatherings,its always a bore. Besides, you clearly detest going to such parties too, so why the sudden change?." Lu Man couldn't help but ask the quiet Han bilu who kept choosing different dresses for her to try on ever since they got to the mall.

"And pls don't tell me its for that chen guy, what do you call him again? chen Mubai? Anyways, I'm so not going to no party, if you don't give me a reason why I should give up my beauty sleep this evening, and rather follow you to some boring party when I'm jet lagged".

"okay I think this is it" came the reply from Han bilu who was clearly focused on choosing a dress for her friend. "This is the perfect dress for you Manman and I'm sure it will perfectly accentuate your figure. Go try it on,come on" bilu nudged her friend and pulled her to go try on the dress as she's sure Lu man will look gorgeous in it.

"Nope! no avoiding the questions this time honey" said Lu man as she avoided her friend's grip, clearly not intending to move an inch if Bilu didn't feed her curiosity.

"Gosh!! This is probably the longest time I've been kept curious about something, so spill it out babes" Lu Man pestered while swinging bilu's hand.

Han Bilu eyed her friend whose eyes bore into her soul as if wanting to know what she was hiding, with her ears all perked up for some juicy gossip.

Looking at her friend, whose look right now reminds her of those paparazzi that stalks celebrities with their Cameras ever ready to capture some juicy gossip. Han bilu couldn't help but shake her head at her friend's amusing posture. "Ok, enough Manman. I know you are very curious right now, but trust me you don't want to miss tonight's scoop. There's going to be a good show tonight So until then, keep your curiosity for when we'll attend the party. And I assure you, you'll be perfectly satisfied". Han Bilu said, looking at her friend who was right at this moment, pouting at her while blinking her huge eyes.

If this was before, Han Bilu would probably have already spilled the tea after seeing her friend's current look.

She couldn't stand Lu Man acting cute towards her since she could hardly resist her cute face. But this time, things were different.. She couldn't afford to involve her friend in her incoming war with her 'family'.

"Now can you hurry and go try the dress on, am sure you'll look gorgeous in it. Hurry hurry ".she urged Lu man who wore a defeated expression on her face.

"Fine!" Giving up, Lu man went to try on the dress and it fitted perfectly just like Han bilu said.

"Bilu dear, just how do always know the perfect dress for anyone, anyday and for any event"

she still can't get over her friend's gift when it comes to fashion, she always knew the perfect dress up for any occasion and her best friends always wondered where she got the talent from as no one in her family had a thing for fashion. As a matter of fact, only bilu's two best friends knew she was always the unofficial stylist for her mum and elder sister whenever they are out for an event.

And her grandparents weren't into fashion either, so they always wondered where she got the sparks from. Maybe she was just naturally gifted in fashion like the way she was gifted in other aspects or so they thought.

"I guess so" Bilu shrugged her shoulders and said, while dragging her friend out of the mall so she wouldn't keep asking questions she wasn't ready to answer, at least not yet. She didn't want to tell her friends about the shocking truth she discovered last night.

Yes, she has clearly developed trust issues, but no one can blame her for that. I mean the people she trusted and loved the most turned out to be wolves in sheep clothing. Everything she ever believed she was, turned out to be a lie in just one night. she clearly still has her reservations about everyone until she figures out herself. Since she doesn't want to hurt her friend, she figured the best way is pretending not to notice her friend's hints.

Bilu knew that there were other natural talents and gifts she had which might shock others when they get to know. As a matter of fact, she was also shocked when she first found out she had those gifts but concealed it from everyone. And the thought of hiding those secrets from her friends made her feel guilty whenever she was with them and they always praised her for her talents. But now, she doesn't regret keeping them in the dark about her gifts. 'It's for their own good, and mine too' she thought.