
For the first time, Daniel Heinrich lost his words. He didn't know what to say and this was a bad sign since Dean O'Sullivan had taken over control of this conversation. This man sitting in front of him was slightly above average height and quite scrawny. He had those piercing, bright green eyes that could see through any hidden secrets. He was pale, lightly freckled, and always had that kind of nervous smile on his face when he talked even though he was a quite confident person.

"Let's skip the nonsense," Dean O'Sullivan sat back and said coldly with his despising smile, "Heinrich, why did you leave the business two years ago?"

"Pardon?" If Dean O'Sullivan meant what Daniel Heinrich had in mind when he was a menacing friend than an enemy, just like his wife, Velika O'Sullivan. No wonder these two were married and had a complicated relationship. They both had too many secrets they couldn't tell each other.

"You know what I mean," Dean O'Sullivan gave him a sly smile, the sound of his slim fingers tapping on the glass tea table made Daniel Heinrich irritated. Once again, he felt his fate was tied on someone else's threads. Even now, Dean O'Sullivan was in hostage, and he was the interrogator, but this relation may flip around instantly if his deepest secret was exposed to the light, "The business on the black market."

"How did you know?" Daniel Heinrich asked anxiously.

"Of course, I know," The deceitful smile on Dean O'Sullivan's pale, angular face was still there and Daniel Heinrich's heart reached to his throat, "I'm your sponsor."

"What do you want from me?" Daniel Heinrich asked in a guttural, gravelly voice.

"You'll know." Finally, Dean O'Sullivan stopped taping the glass tea table, he glanced at the direction where Velika O'Sullivan's room was. For safety reasons they didn't turn on the light and Daniel Heinrich could see nothing but darkness, then he looked back into Dean O'Sullivan's eyes, "Let's wait and see."

What Dean O'Sullivan knew but Daniel Heinrich wasn't sure about was, Velika O'Sullivan heard the whole conversation in the dark. As Dean O'Sullivan sidetracked Daniel Heinrich by tapping the table, she sneaked back in her room and closed the door without being noticed. After all, who understood the wife better than the husband? Dean O'Sullivan thought proudly.

"Wait, what sound is that?" Asked Daniel Heinrich abruptly, the menacing balanced atmosphere was broken by the sound like a ticking clock, the noise grew more and more intensive.

Astounded, he found out the noise was from Dean O'Sullivan, and more precisely from his left ankle. Nervously but not startled, he saw the neon yellow light flashing in Dean O'Sullivan's ankle, yes, no surprise at all, the game was never easy.

"What is this?" Dean O'Sullivan asked anxiously.

"A tracker." Answered Daniel Heinrich, quickly started packing his bag, putting everything in as fast as he could, also held a gun in his hand, already loaded, yelling: "Velika O'Sullivan, they put a tracker in him when he was unconscious, they are coming for us."

Loudly Velika O'Sullivan rushed out of her door, ran to the table, and picked up the small pistol she left there before went straight down to the basement to get Griff. Daniel Heinrich threw a Dean O'Sullivan a pistol as well, just in case he needed to defend himself.

They heard the cars, horns, and saw flashlights coming through curtains from outside, and the chaos made by people's footsteps indicated that armed squads were approaching. There was no way out without a fight. Daniel Heinrich took over Griff from Velika O'Sullivan and seized his back collar tightly, all of them were anxious and reckoning their escape route. No secret paths this time.

Velika O'Sullivan suggested that they should evacuate from the back door which led to the garden, most of the agents were coming from the front door so that the back door might be easy to take care of. However, her husband objected to her suggestion, he believed the most dangerous place was always appeared to be the safest one.

As they were arguing to reach a decision, the agents had already come in and started firing within seconds. Daniel Heinrich and the others gradually moving towards the back door while firing back, there were no blocks or barriers in the living room beside the couch that was already damaged. Their lives were on the line.

Griff was unfortunately shot by a stray bullet which supposed be to aim at Daniel Heinrich, he was shot right in the chest and was pronounced dead by Daniel Heinrich. Daniel Heinrich's bold move brought more attention to him and put him in the hot spot. Several meters away Velika O'Sullivan was trying her best to cover him. Her arm was bleeding but she didn't notice it at all, she was in the middle of a war.

Finally, Daniel Heinrich safely moved to Velika O'Sullivan's position, they were both fine, but Dean O'Sullivan was missing. Velika O'Sullivan looked around while Daniel Heinrich was covering her, she saw Dean O'Sullivan was sneaking to the front door, Daniel Heinrich saw him too after he shot an agent who was really near the door. It was too late to get him back; he already reached the door and could escape in any second from now.

Meanwhile, they had reached the back door, in a situation like this, though Velika O'Sullivan couldn't get Dean O'Sullivan back, she insisted to cover him. And Daniel Heinrich had to agree. They shot the agents that were going for Dean O'Sullivan, and they were positive that Dean O'Sullivan would be fine after he got out, but it turned out they were wrong. At the very moment he opened the door, they saw someone had knocked him out and dragged him away.

Natural, he must be taken back to Natural again, Daniel Heinrich had no time to think about Dean O'Sullivan anymore, he had to let Velika O'Sullivan call Romeo Leontes and find out more clues. It was time for him to fight for his own life. Still, so many twists were in the plot, nobody was trustworthy in this game. Nobody.

They got out into the fresh air successfully, and while they were getting through the garden quietly, several guards were approaching, but they decided not to fire unless it was necessary. They bent down, hiding in the darkness and the bushes, luckily a car was parking on the road, they avoid the agents and got into the car.

At the moment they started the engine, guns were fired, and bullets cracked the glasses into pieces. They drove away as fast as they could, with wounds that cut by glasses on their faces and arms, but much relieved and glad they were alive.

Velika O'Sullivan finally saw her arm was bleeding grievously, she tore off her T-shirt sleeves and wrapped it up without saying a word.