
"I couldn't," She lowered her head, like a child who broke neighbor's window with a soccer ball, "You are my husband, I loved you, maybe I still do. Yes, I was devastated for a long while and I couldn't see the future. Later, I was recruited by Natural, soon I began to learn the truth about why you left me. How could I hate you?"

"Did Astoria Leontes tell you what happened?" Dean O'Sullivan frowned, "And that's the reason you are working for her?"

"She did tell me everything," Said Velika O'Sullivan slowly, "But I'm not working for her, I just want my revenge, I want to see that man who ruined our lives fall."

She emphasized on 'our lives', the sense of owing this woman grew stronger and stronger in Dean O'Sullivan's mind. She was fighting for him and defending him. He knew precisely how much she depended on him and he was her last hope. She thought innocently after they got married that her life will turn around to the better and brighter side, which never happened. The time passed had changed them, especially her. Dean O'Sullivan could tell from her manners, from her attitudes, time exchanged that energetic, positive girl with this sophisticated, rational, and logical woman. He sighed but couldn't do anything else.

"The clock is ticking; we should get to the business." Dean O'Sullivan sat down and she nodded, "Did Leontes inform you what the next step is?"

"Yes," She pulled a chair and sat in front of him, "But I want to hear your thoughts first."

Dean O'Sullivan's understanding of Astoria Leontes' plan was that he presumed Astoria Leontes was going to send Clarabelle Lewis to assassinate Braddock, and framed the crime on Velika O'Sullivan, so she had a reason to return to the field and no longer playing dead. Then Lewis was also going to blow up the faculty of The Sinking Boat, under the name of Companion. As the president was dead, the crew of Companion had no choice but to ask help from Natural, which let Astoria Leontes take over Companion because of her 'passion'. The whole progress will draw Romeo Leontes' attention, he would back to the battle and take his final move to save Velika O'Sullivan from being imprisoned since he didn't know how Velika O'Sullivan had already betrayed him, then Astoria Leontes' time to clean up all the rages with her brother-in-law would finally come. Even if her plan wouldn't work, she still had Velika O'Sullivan as espionage, or safety insurance so she could prepare for a comeback later.

"You are right, pretty much the same," Velika O'Sullivan rose her eyebrow, "Well, what do you think about Heinrich?"

"Leontes wants him to work with you again," Dean O'Sullivan shrugged, "You two seem like working well together."

"True," She nodded with praise, "You are not here to tell me something I already know, what do you want, Dean?"

"Listen Velika, Heinrich needs to know the truth," He could sense her breathing changed, "He's dubious, he would never truly cooperate unless he knows about what happened. He appeared to be very rational, but deep inside, he's sentimental, both of you had disastrous childhoods, that unite you two, trust me, you need him as an ally."

"Fine, I will tell him." She answered after several seconds of silence.

"Also, Velika," Dean O'Sullivan lowered his voice, like someone was on surveillance, "I suspect Leontes is going to instigate counterespionage on Heinrich"


"It means to spy on him, who is a spy." Explained to him.

"I know what it means," She curled her lips, "I'm asking, why? I thought Heinrich is working for Natural, Astoria recruited him personally, and now she wants to get rid of him. It doesn't make any sense."

"Think again," Dean O'Sullivan sneered, "What was Daniel Heinrich's business back in the days when he had it all?"

Gradually, Velika O'Sullivan's eyes widened. How could she forget Daniel Heinrich's old business and his former partner, how could she?

"She wants to frame Heinrich as a mole of me inside Natural," Said her, started rubbing her temples, "Only the four of us know the truth, so others will believe the lie. She wants to use him, then later, she will take him out with the excuse she makes up, which will be expressed as collaborate with the rogue agent who supposed be dead, Velika O'Sullivan."

"Yes," Dean O'Sullivan nodded.

"What do you truly want, Dean?" She looked at him with confusion, "Which side are you on? Why did you even join this war?"

"Honestly, I just want my redemption," He grinned, "I dragged you into this, I want to take you away from it."

"I don't believe you." She laughed and shook her head, "You would never fight for someone else unless you are safe. In this dirty game, nobody is safe. I don't need you to keep me safe, I just hope you won't turn against me."

There were times she wondered, why she used to love him so dearly. He had a very detailed, thorough mind that would never put himself in any sort of danger, he had to save himself before anyone else, even it was his wife. She knew precisely that he would throw her under the bus if he had to, for his benefit. She would rather believe Daniel Heinrich would try to save her than her husband when came to a risky situation.

There were times she also wondered, was it love, or desire, or because she didn't want to be alone, she wanted someone to be there with her, regardless of how much stress he ruthlessly added on her thin shoulders.

"You have the right to reserve your opinion." He stared directly into her dark eyes, "I would love to buy you a drink and catch up the few months, however, I have to go back, whenever you are ready, you know where to find me, at our old spot."

"You know," She walked him to the doorway, "Sometimes when I stare at Daniel Heinrich's eyes, I can't help thinking is the creator made a joke on me, how could you two look that alike?"

"But we are different," He grinned again, "For example, he's German and I'm Irish."

She laughed, and held her arms while watching him left, for five months she ran away from reality, and somehow, she hoped she could escape forever. But it turned that she could never get away from her destiny, she had to finish what she started. She looked down on her arm, those words tattooed there were like a spell that locked the deepest secret she had in her heart:

'Jove knows I love: but who?

Lips, do not move;

No man must know'