Dedicated to:Bannaj09 and Paulmsep. Thanks for the power stones. Please leave a review and comment to let me know when you see this.

The next day got me feeling enthusiastic. I decided it was because of the adventure I was looking up to.

"Good morning Aunt Linda". I greeted.

"How was your night?".


"Here is your breakfast". She served me.

I figured since I was going to the haunted house today I might as well eat well to avoid being hungry and tired.

"Can I have some of the food, just in case I get hungry". I asked.

"Don't you have lunch money". She asked.

I knew she was not being serious. She is always glad to share especially her food.

"Take as much as you want". She smiled at me and went towards the door. "Be good and don't stay late at the center today". She closed the door.

I took as much as I could carry in my mini leather bag. Bacon,eggs, bread,milk and lots of water. Even coffee.

I wore my favorite low heeled leather boots and my leather pants and jacket. I kept a knife in my jacket just in case and a torch for extra light.

I didn't even bid Abigail good bye before I left. I was in a hurry to catch up. I also wanted to make sure Ian didn't bail out on me.


I waited at the train station. I checked the station clock and it was 8:30 in the morning. After about seven minutes, Melvin showed up with his sister. The girl was about ten years old.

"When I told you to bring your sister,I didn't know she was a little girl".

"Good morning,my night was fine thanks for asking".

"Whatever". I turned to watch the trains moving. Ours was still about four minutes away.

"I am Maurice". The little girl introduced.

"Hey, Maurice". I said dryly.

"Be nice". Melvin whispered. "It took so much persuasion to bring her along".

"I think she owes you. I mean dragging you to New York and all".

"Yeah right".

He made several attempts to start a conversation but I wasn't interested.

I looked around to see if Ian was going to show up.

"Damn him if he doesn't". I thought to myself trying to pretend I didn't care.

"What did you bring along?". I asked Melvin impatiently.

"Like my body?".

At first I thought he was teasing me but soon realized he was serious.

"For a guy with a quest for adventure,you are pretty stupid".

"Ouch". He feigned pain.

"I am not sorry". "You should have brought food and water and a torch or something".


We fell silent.

"You think I can quickly grab one?". He broke the silence.

"Our train is here". I pointed to the approaching train.

"We will just catch another one. I never thought of it before but now that am thinking,my sister will freak out when she gets hungry".

I gave his words a thought. I was the type to get hungry easily so there was no way I was gonna share my food. Besides,Ian hadn't arrive. It might buy me time to wait for him.

"Fine let's go". I agreed.