To 10wink441421238: This chapter goes to you. Thanks for the power stones.

The trade center was a few metres away so we didn't have to take the bus. I saw Abigail at the center and she asked why I left home without her. I lied that I wanted an early view of the center,we talked for a little longer. Melvin bought the essentials (food, drinks, water,a flashlight and a lollipop for his sister) Melvin, Maurice and I left a while after.

It was 10:00 am when we arrived at the station. Ian was there. He was with someone. Arianna Meyer.

"You brought her". I approached him looking at Arianna with disgust.

"You look like you have company too".

"Yeah but I didn't say you could bring her of all people".

"Scarlett....". Arianna began to say.

"Don't call me that". I snapped.

"That's no way to treat an old friend of your sister".

Her last statement angered me and I made to punch her in the face.

"Hey". Melvin and Ian said simultaneously and stopped me.

"So where to?". Ian changed the topic.


"What?". Ian and Arianna asked in horror. Maurice started to laugh and I stopped her with my gaze.

"You heard me".

Of course they knew I could be serious. I am the creepiest nerd in school.

"You are not serious,are you". Arianna asked for confirmation. Rather than answer I gave her my most serious look.

She stepped back a bit. "You give me the creeps".

"At least I know how to scare you next time".

"Anyways,I was kidding. We aren't going to heaven".

We waited for the train and it soon arrived.


We arrived at an abandoned site with rocks and stones of different sizes. At the end of the rocky tracks was a tall old antique building. It was built Victorian style.

"Sure looks haunted". Maurice said and I marveled at her courage. She didn't seem scared one bit. I guessed the quality ran in the family.

"An haunted house is the last place I want to be this summer".

"Summer or no summer,I never thought of it".

Arianna and Ian voiced their reluctance but I was quick to remind them why they had to. It wasn't like I needed them to be there anyways,I just couldn't help the urge of being near Ian.

We began climbing the rocky paths up the small hill it formed to the old house.


The house was standing at our feet. Looking at it more critically, it wasn't a very old house. Probably built in the early 1900s. I was expecting a house built in the 1800s. Maybe I was right or maybe not. There was only one way to find out.

I pulled the old door but it didn't budge.

"Step aside". Arianna said with pride and pulled her hair pin. She flicked the hair pin and the door opened. I could hear Melvin's jaw drop with a clink.

"I do this all the time". She raised her head haughtily and carried her expensive dress with style,careful not to stain it with dust.

Melvin led the way and Arianna fearfully followed then Ian, Maurice and finally me.

We had to bend our heads to avoid cobwebs.


Horror laced our faces.