
Right in front of us was a picture of a beautiful woman. The picture had such an aura that I couldn't help but move closer to it. I touched the wooden frame of the photograph and wiped it hoping to see traces of dust on my finger. There was none. The photograph was very clean. It was like someone had been cleaning it. I was astonished. Melvin had confirmed that the house was abandoned but here is the picture of the owner looking very clean. Perhaps it was recently wiped by curious kids like us,I concluded.

"Selena's ghost".

The words were boldly written on the frame.

"Look". Maurice cried. I saw it. Selena's eyes flickered.

"Run". Arianna screamed. Everyone scampered but I stood my ground.

"Calm your tits". I said boldly and my lips quirked in a smile.

"The.... Selena...the ghost...she her eyes". Ian stammered.

"For an handsome high school quarter back, you are way too cowardly". I nudged him hard.

We walked further in to the house and saw different other pictures of Selena. Most of the pictures were weird but aside that there was nothing to suggest an haunted house.

"So much for dragging me here".

"I didn't bring you here, YOU rather dragged me and Arianna here".

"And who said I was talking to you?.

"Looking for this?". Melvin pointed to a hole in the wall.

"What is that?".

"The map to the maze". He answered.

Without further wasting time,I walked to the wall and pulled out the map. The map tore in half but I didn't care.

"Damn,it's empty". I cursed.

"It can't be". Melvin countered. "It says here "Selena's map"".

"And who's fault is it,mine?".

"Hey,wait. There's got to be a way out of here".

We walked around the house and yet saw nothing. We all stood and stared at each other. Silence descended.

"If you ask me,this is crap". Arianna broke the silence.

"Well no one's asking you". Maurice answered back. If there was another thing Maurice and I had in common other than being bold,it was our hatred for Arianna. Maurice doesn't seem to like Arianna and I can bet the feeling is mutual.

"You know what we can't just go back". I paused to see if they understood what I was trying to tell them. "Giving up is not something I do very often".

"What now?". Ian asked.

"Let's make fun out of this. Let's explore or something". Melvin explained.

"Someone after my heart". I was impressed that he understood my point.

"Who knows we might even find jewels or tiaras. This Selena looks pretty rich". Arianna squealed in delight.

"Do you ever think of anything other than glitter". I rolled my eyes at her.


At that moment the truth hit me and I realized what Ian and Arianna had in common. The love of worldly things like money and jewels. It was what my late sister wanted too. What I wanted was solitude. To be away from everyone and everything. To be alone, without anyone to tell me how creepy I am or how my sister is much better than I am. Most times I found myself envying the dead.


"The library". Ian said suddenly.

"What?". We all asked simultaneously. Ian was holding a piece of paper,he waved it at us.

"What building has the most stories?". He read from the paper.

"You know what this means". Arianna asked encouragingly.

"A riddle". Maurice said.

"To a hidden place or something". Melvin completed.

It dawned on me.

"The Maze!". I exclaimed.

This chapter is dedicated to: LORDOFSEVENMar(thanks for the power stones) and to JusT09 (for enjoying the book, pls do tell your friends about this book).

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Rate and comment if you do.