"What do you mean, run away"
"Someone saw us, I said run!"
Without a second thought, Taka ran. He sprinted feeling the wind hitting against his mane. He sprinted past the herds of animals. He reached the water holes and he bolted through the lakes and streams. His mane was flying past him. His legs were getting lighter with each step. Taka didn't know why he was running. He didn't know where he was going. Where were the ancestors taking him?
As sacred as we he hearing his brother's tone, Taka was relieved. He wanted to feel like this all the time. He never knew he's find such pleasure in running away. Running away from the life that was supposed to keep him safe. Right now safety, was the last of his priorities. Euphoria. There wasn't anymore to say. Euphoria.
These were Taka's last thoughts as he felt his body being swallowed into this monster. The monster was cold. It took him where it wanted. He had no control over his body.
Was he in heaven? Was this it? If this was the end then at least he spent his last moments feeling happy. He never knew happiness was a true emotion until he started running. Was running the answer this whole time?
Meanwhile back at the Pride Lands
"Rafiya" Mtukufu shouted. Rafiya was a future member of the Lion Guard.
"Taka has killed the king" Rafiya replied.
"Yes he has. As of now I am the new king and you will address me as such."
"Sir, what will happen to the King Adahari?"
"What did I just say? I am the King now!" Mtukufu roared. Rafiya felt the grass stand up. Someone had to have heard.
"Yes King Mtukufu"
"You will speak of this to no one"
" Taka killed killed the former king"
"Shouldn't he be punished your Majesty"
"His position as head of the LIon Guard will be taken away from him. You will be leader of the Lion Guard effective immediately"
"I understand sir. How will we cover up your father's death?"
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it"
Three years later...
Taka's POV
It's been three years. I've been living in this mysterious jungle for the past three years. I fell into a waterfall and it carried me all the way to this jungle. I washed up on grass, and I've been living on crocodiles and monkeys. They test better than zebra. Right now I'm on my way to the Pride Lands. I will return and get revenge on my brother.
What am I saying? Being away from home has gotten to me. I really need to go back. I know my brother would never send me away on purpose. he was just trying to keep me safe. I'm sure when I return he'll welcome me with open arms. Three years has been long enough. It's time for me to go home.
In the three years Mtukufu had reigned as king, the Pride Lands were very different. The animals were miserable. When the tigers would over hunt, the king completely ignored it. He let them continue as long as they left enough for the lions and the other cats. When there was a severe drought all throughout the savannah, Mtukufu took all the water that was stored for emergency purposes and gave it all to the lions. If the drought had lasted a day longer all the animals would have died. The gods were listening to their prayers because after a month without water, rain fell the next day. These are just two examples of how Mtukufu ruled the pride Lands. He did what he thought was right for the sake of the lions, but he forgot the other animals even existed. Mtukufu kept them alive to keep his title, but he never cared for them.
About three months after Taka fled, Mtukufu and Zuri had ason. They named him Jasiri. Jasiri was heavily influenced by his father's decisions as king. His father taught him that the "Circle of Life" meant that the lives of all the other animals revolve around the lion. As the next king, Jasiri listened intently to what his father told knowing one day his father would look down on him and talk about how proud he was of his son.
Taka's Pov
I've been travelling for three days and I finally made it. I'm home. but why do the Pride Lands look completely different from when I left. The grass is no longer blond and it doesn't sway with the wind. When the wind blows, it stands stiff like it'll break if it moves. The water isn't that nice sparkling blue, you never want tp drink it because it looks too good. Now it's almost green. The trees barely have leaves anymore. They look shriveled and fragile. The animals are the most miserable I've ever seen. The elephants are so skinny. The giraffes' bones are sticking out of their limbs. Birds have lost their colorful hues and have now become light shades of brown. Mtukufu what have you done?
Zahara's POV
It's been three years since Taka fled. Nothing is the same without him. The Pride Lands have become such a pitiful sight. If only Taka was here, he could overthrow his brother and restore this land to what it was meant to be. Taka was the only male lion that I ever liked. He was kind, caring, and he was real. He never put on a mask and pretended to be someone he wasn't. When we talked, he was never afraid to share his feelings. Now, without Taka, life seems meaningless. The only reason I have not fled is because I am the only lioness not afraid to stand my ground against Mtukufu. The other lions cower in fear at his feet, but I stand tall and proud because I know that without fear he is nothing.
Just then, Zahara saw a lion who looked like Taka.
Wait, is that who I think it is? Even with his full half black mane I could still recognize him.
"Taka!"I shouted in excitement.
Zahara jumped down from her rock to see her husband up close. He had become so much more handsome. His mane was now full grown. It was a blond at the roots and slowly faded into black at the tips. His eyes had become so much more beautiful. They were bigger. They had so much life in them. His eyes were this bright blue that she had never seen before. He had so much passion and life in him.
Zahara hugged Taka passionately. They stayed like that for quite a while before Zahara pulled away.
Taka had noticed how much his fiancé had changed. Her skin had become much darker. It shined in the sunlight. her body was absolutely beautiful and developed quite nicely. Taka loved seeing her like this, but there was one thing that struck him the most. Her eyes. They were breathtaking. Her eyes told a story. Ever since he left, she had been through so much. They expressed so much hurt and anger, but most of all longing. He could tell she had been waiting for his arrival. She was the highlight of his journey. Seeing her again was the one thing he looked forward to the most.
"I can't believe your here" she screams in excitement.
"Shh. I'm planning to surprise Tuk. Where is he?"
"Taka, I think it's best if you keep a low profile for now. Mtukufu has turned the whole kingdom against you"