
Black Fur

Taka's POV

I hate seeing her like this. This strong, feisty lioness who possesses so much power was now so vulnerable and defenseless in my arms. Something happened to her, I could tell. We sat there for what felt like five minutes but was actually hours. She fell asleep against my chest. As she was sleeping I realized that I needed to clear my head. I got up without waking her up while giving her a hug before I finally left the den.

I've never seen her as hurt as she was when I saw her crying. There was anger in her eyes like she wanted to fight, but she had nothing left in her. What happened? Who did ths?

Thinking of these things enraged Taka so much. Whatever happened, whoever did this to his Queen, he will fight back and they will pay. Taka wanted to give Zahara the world and so much more. He wanted them to be happy, but nothing ever seemed to go as planned. He wondered if she felt it too: the universe pushing them away from each other. She never told him exactly what happened and he had a feeling he didn't want to know, but something was telling him once he found out it would affect their relationship greatly.

I walked around the Pride Lands gazing at the stars. All the animals were asleep and it was pitch black. There is a slim chance of anyone finding me here. Before I left there used to be a sliver of light amongst all this darkness. When the grass was greener it gave me hope. When the sky displayed all of these colorful hues throughout the day it gave me hope. When the animals would play together and share the land even amongst a creature's territory, it gave me hope. Looking at the Pride Lands now, I realize that I took everything for granted back then. He'd kill to see his homeland as he remembered it, but Taka knew that would not happen.

He hadn't realized how the beauty in this landscape tand the animals in it until it had been taken away. He was clouded by his own feelings to see beyond what his emotions were telling him. There was darkness among the light but never once had it been the light against the darkness. Looking at it now, he wondered if the Pride Lands will ever go back to the beacon of hope it once was.

Thinking about these things drew a hole in his heart. The ancestors were looking down at him. They were disappointed that he wasn't taking action. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't save his wife from whatever was distressing her. He couldn't save himself from this reality. His name is not to be spoken of. If he were ever to overthrow Mtukufu, would anyone be on his side."

Just then Taka heard rustling. It was subtle and if he hadn't been paying attention, he would've missed it.

"Who's there!" Taka yelled. Sometimes the hyenas made it into the Pride Lands. He hoped this wasn't one of those nights. If it was, he was screwed.

Taka's POV

While turning frantically, I spotted these glowing violet eyes. They were bright and I had no idea where they came from, but I had a huge pit in my stomach. The only creatures with exotically colored eyes were the Panthers. They were never spotted during the day, but they were always lurking around them at night. I remember Father telling us that they were the assassins, spies, and protectors of the kingdom in secret. The Lion Guard was in charge of protecting the animals, but the Panthers were on a different level. Panthers observed everything from the shadows and the protected they made sure everything was running smoothly. None of the common animals knew this; it was thought that the Panthers had extreme nocturnal tendencies. It was easier if the animals never knew.

I've never encountered on and I'm not sure if I want to either. Their mysteriousness makes them all the more feared throughout the royal family. They run themselves and no one can tell them otherwise.

The Panther finally emerges. His skin was incredible. It was spotted with a black outlining. You could only see his skin against the grass, but it blended in well with the night sky.

"Stand down, Lion" he says as he approaches me.

"What do you want Panther"

"I want what you want, Lion"

"Leave me be, Panther"

"I know what's troubling you and I can help you out if you give me a chance."

I have a feeling he isn't going to leave just because I tell him to.

"I'm sure you can clearly see how Mtukufu has ruined our home. Help us restore it to what it was"

"I can't help you, I have nothing to do with this kingdom"

"Of course you do, Taka"

How did he know who I was? The only person who knew was Zahara. I'm sure she hasn't told anyone.

"I don't know who Taka is. You have the wrong lion"

"Cut the bull, Taka. I know who you are."

There's no way I can keep this act up. His eyes tell me that he isn't playing around. I can't lie to him.

"So what if I am Taka, why does that matter."

"It matters because you're the only one who can defeat your brother."

"I can't"

"And why is that, Usaliti"

I hate that name with burning passion. It means treachery and betrayal and in no way do I associate with either. I know I'm not a great person. I killed my father after all. While that still haunts me to this day, Zahara has made me understand the difference between an accident and an intention. Thinking that I killed my own father is my darkest shadow and it's always following me around, but at least I know I never meant it. Why can't the lions understand? I never did it on purpose.

"Lion, I don't like to be kept waiting"

"You have two minutes, Panther"

"Listen here Usaliti, I talk how long I want to talk and understand? You will listen because this will affect the future of you, this kingdom, and most importantly your wife.

My wife? If I can make life for her just a little bit better, my life will have more meaning. Everything I will do and have ever done is for her and these animals. They deserve so much more.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"My name is Zakia. I am the head advisor for the Panthers. I'm our leader's informant and I run important errands for him. I was assigned to keep an eye on you and your wife. I saw your marriage, the change in your identity, and Zahara crying in your arms a few hours ago.

He's seen everything.

"What does this have to do with my wife?" Taka replies in irritation. Those moments were supposed to be privat. The fact that someone was watching them sent chills down his spine.

"I know your wife is the most important lion in your life. With that said, help the Panthers overthrow Mtukufu and we'll help you every step of the way"

"Why me?"

"Because you are the next in line Taka. You have all the qualities a king possesses. It was never your brother, it was always you."

"I killed my own father. How am I supposed to rule a kingdom if I can't keep one lion alive."

"I witnessed the murder, Taka"

There was only one creature that saw anything, and it was Keoni.

"I know what really happened, that day"

"What? How? What happened?"

"I will only tell you if you agree to become king."

"No way"

"Alright I guess I'll be on my way then"

What does he know? That night haunts me to this day. Is there a truth I don't know about?

"But what do you get out of this."

"We get satisfaction in knowing the animals of this kingdom will live their best lives under your rule. It pains us to see our kingdom like this as much as it pains you. Look at this, Taka. Look at all the hurt and pain. Do you really want future generations to suffer because you never took a chance?

As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. I can't hide behind a mask anymore. I can't let my animals suffer anymore. My brother's reign needs to end.

"Fine. I'll help you only if you tell me what really happened that night."

"I'm proud of you Taka, for looking over your shortcomings and thinking of the rights of these animals."

"I can't live like this anymore, Panther"

"Now that you have come to your senses, I will tell you about King Adahari"

Hearing Father's name built up emotions in me I never knew I had.

"Your father hit your brother first. He smacked him because Mtukufu was spouting nonsense about controlling the kingdom. Adahari silenced him saying that he was going to appoint you, as he saw that Mtukufu was unfit to rule. Your brother attacked him in a fit of rage and they started brawling. That's when you came running in you pushed your brother away. Father was slowly maintaining his balance and starting to move away from the edge. Before he could fully recover, Mtukufu slapped you to get you away and pushed your father over. He did it and I saw the huge grin on his face after, like he had reached a milestone in becoming king."

Mtukufu did it huh? So all these years of guilt and thinking of my life are gone. The ghost of my father's death following me around ever since I left has been all in my head. My precious time to grow and become who I want to be was wasted because of my brother's misguided notions to what a king truly is and his failure to take responsibility for his actions.

"Thank you Panther, I will try my best to become the light that this kingdom needs."

"I hope so, Taka. If you fail, the Pride Lands will never become what it once was."

He leaps into the grass and starts to leave. As he disappears into the abyss, I can still feel his presence.

"Zakia!"I call out hoping he's still there.

"Yes, my king"

Hearing him call me that feels weird, but him calling my brother king is even weirder.

"Do you know what happened to Zahara? What made her cry so much?

"That Your Majesty, is another story for another time"


Mtukufu was sitting on his throne licking his paws.

How dare she reject me? I am the king she is supposed to obey me at all times. Sh'es not even married what's the problem. I sent Keoni to fetch me two strong male lions. They will assassinate her father. That's what she gets for making a mark on this handsome face. The next time, she won't refuse me if she doesn't ant her mother's head on platter. That's what happens when you cross the king. You suffer major consequences. She will slowly come crawling back to me. With her father gone, I'm thinking of making her marry me. Zuri has divorced me anyway. I heard she has an affair with another male lion.

I've received a lot of criticism from Keoni about hoe killing her father is unnesseacry and a bunch of other reasons. Why does it matter anyway. I couldv'e sworn I heard he wabted to kill me first. The old man was on his way out anyway. Nothing wants to go my way, but I will force it too. I will bend everything to my will because I can. I can do anything to anybody I want because nobody can control me. I've had this mindset for a long time, but I'm starting to miss my brother. I love bragging that I'm older. I love how calm he'd always be. I never wanted him to be king and I'll admit that my love of power got in the way of my love for him. I want to change sometimes. I want to become a better person, but I caused so much destruction already I might as well keep going. I will keep destroying until I find my true happiness. Isn't this the way?