
King Tuk

Mtukufu's POV

My life is great. I have an heir to the throne, a wife, and a whole kingdom that I own. There's only one thing missing. Zahara is beautiful. I want her. Now that Taka is gone, it won't be a problem if I have her for a little bit. Zuri and I are stopping at one child. If she wants to divorce me now, she can. This marriage has no substance any way. I want Zahara and I want her now.

Zahara's POV

Taka and I got married in secret about four years ago. He disguised himself using leaves and fruit to alter the color of his mane and his face. Keto was our officiant. Keto is a baboon. He's a family friend and shaman for the Luo Tribe. I've explained everything to him and he has agreed to keep Taka's presence a secret. If anyone sees him we will say that he's a stray lion from outside of Kenya. Stray lions come and stay all the time. The main tribes of the Pride Lands are descendants from lions all over Africa. We got married four years ago. I told my father I'd marry a stray lion in private and he approved. All anyone knows is that Zahara is married to a stray, but no one cares anyway. Everyone is too busy being miserable under Mtukufu's rule to be bothered by what I'm doing. The royal family doesn't know. I'm afraid if they find out, they'll be able to see right through Taka.

Mtukufu's POV

I'm quite bored. Zuri has taken Jasiri to go hunting and they won't be back for a while. There's nothing fun to do. I told Ndogo to send for Zahara. She's quite a majestic animal. I wonder how she can entertain me.

"You called Mtukufu"

I turn around to see Zahara glaring at me. I've never done anything to her. I have no idea why she hates me, but hopefully I can change her mind.

Zahara's POV

He keeps circling me like he's hungry. As he's now on his fifth lap, he stops and licks his lips. Something is telling me a should run, but my legs can't seem to move. He's approaching me slowly until he's only a couple inches away.

"Tuk, what are you doing?"

"Zuri and Jasiri are won't be back for a long time. We could do something in the meantime."

With that he moves closer and closer and closer. I keep backing up and he keeps moving towards me. Eventually, my backs hits the wall. I'm trapped; there's nowhere else to go. Taka where are you?

"I see we're a little hesitant aren't we?"

"Tuk I don't want to do this with you, I am faithful to my fiancé"

"He's gone. He left you here all alone and he's never coming back"

"Gone or not. I'd never do something so indecent with you of all animals!" I tried to sound tough but I could feel my voice trembling.

Suddenly, I feel something rough against my cheek. My head whipped to the right as well. He slapped me. Hurting people is what he did best; my sister who gave up all her dreams because of her duty to the royal family, his son who will grow up living with a terrible king in his shadow, his father, my husband who has to mask who he truly is to live a peaceful life. How can one love to see the pain of the people around him?

"You will suffer the consequences if you don't comply"

"I don't care, just let me go!"

"Of course not why would I do that?"

Before I can even respond, his lips touch mine. He just kissed me? He starts touching other parts of my body. I want to scream but my mouth is glued shut. I want to run home back to Taka. He's the only one that can truly make me feel safe. Why can't I do anything? I've never felt like this before. This is all my fault.

As if the Almighty had heard my prayers, Mtukufu stepped on a rock, making a very loud crinkly noise. This is exactly what I needed to slap me back into reality. I've built enough energy to scratch him. The last thing I see before I run is blood seeping out of his forehead all the way down to his chin.

I'm running. I don't know where I'm running to. My surroundings look familiar. Everything looks as it should but I don't know where I'm going. I stop in front of a small rocky den, panting.

Zahara walks in to find a dashing young lion creating paintings with rotten fruit. It was a hobby Taka had now. Every day he'd go out and search for rotten fruit, grass, and moss. He'd smash them up and mix the colors together to create beautiful paintings on the walls of things that made him happy.

The love of her life was laying there so innocently. Even in his disguise, he was absolutely breathtaking.

"Love, your back!" Taka beams in excitement. He stood up and went to her and noticed that she was panting heavily and she looked so afraid.

"Hey Taka" she replies. Seeing him made her feel so guilty about what his brother had done to her. Of course she had stopped him before anything indecent could happen, but she felt so bad. She didn't deserve him.

"Zahara, are you okay?"

With that Zahara breaks down in tears. She was not ok. Another lion had touched without her permission and she hadn't done anything about it. It was all her fault. Zahara collapsed, breaking down into tears and sobbing.

Taka knelt next to her and held her. He knew that was the only thing he could do. Taka knew it was best not to say anything, but just be there for her. He closed his eyes and wrapped her in his arms. He rocked her back and forth and stroked her fur.

Zahara's POV

I can't seem to stop. Taka took me in his arms and he didn't say anything. We lay there in a comfortable silence. All that is heard is my small whimpers. If only I could stay like this forever. Taka and I. That's all I've needed and wanted, but it seems like the world is going to tear us apart. How do I tell him that the same brother that exiled him from his homeland has now laid his hands on his wife. Why can't we just be normal. I never wanted this life and neither did he.

My dear ancestors. Where are you? The Pride Lands are starving. This beautiful homeland has become such a pitiful sight. I only ask for two things. I want the Pride Lands to return to the breathtaking image it once held, but most of all I want to love the only man that has ever understood me, unconditionally. Help me. Ancestors, I love him and this land. Please help us. A peaceful life is all we've ever known, but at this rate, is it the life we were meant to live?