Unusual Warmth

"Don't touch her. She's grumpy." When Side rolled her way to Primrose's colorful shoes, he already saw the stinky expression on her face. She was not in a good mood and would not like to be touched by anyone or anything right now. Eros couldn't implicate an innocent human life this early in his search for his wife.

As always, Eros was a step too slow. Primrose's finger was already scratching Side's back.

Artemis slipped out of Primrose's arms when she saw her tender finger approaching Side's head. When Side gets angry, even Lord Eros has to step aside. Thinking about the last immortal who was running on some rotten luck, she shivered.

Minutes passed, and nothing happened. Hearing the lacking screams of bloody murder in the room, Artemis and Orion stole a glance in Primrose's direction - only to be left amazed.

'What's the situation?' Artemis eyed Orion, who was just as confused as she was. He also shrugged.

When the tip of Primrose's finger met Side's fur, a blob of warmth wrapped around her, the soft gaze in Primrose's eyes emitted a type of warmth that was unusual yet pleasurable. It was simply unexplainable. Side subconsciously craved her touch, similar to someone long ago. However, that person...no longer exist.

Side quietly savored this precious moment and permitted Primrose to hold her in her palms. All the portal traveling had tired her soul out.

Primrose looked at the bunny cozying up in her palm and flipping her tummy upwards. "You want tummy rubs?" She chuckled before gently rubbing Side's stomach. The delicate warmth drew circles on Side's tummy, transmitting energy to her body. It was an odd sensation as if Primrose held some power within her soul to recharge an immortal's strength. The drowsiness drained away almost immediately.

"Quick! Side! What does Primrose smell like? Chocolate or Strawberry?" Artemis's question interrupted the peaceful bond at this moment, and Side was not happy. She frowned before poking her nose toward Primrose's body. The sweet fragrance lingered in her mind, leaving her in a daze.

"Which one is it?!" Orion eagerly questioned!

A sharp side glance, fast lightning, and a ruthless electric roast happened within seconds. Artemis licked the slightly discolored tip of her tail in dismay. "My perfectly groomed tail!" She complained.

"You want to compete with me?" Artemis turned her head, blinked, and covered her mouth. "Hahahaha! Well, I can't beat you. You're roasted! Go, Side! Make him into roast onions for dinner!" She wished she had the motion camera to capture Orion's surrendering look. She did not know where he managed to get a white flag, but he was waving it in the air.

His rockstar-styled outfit and the exposed fur not covered by his clothing were burned. Orion sat on the counter and stripped the clothing off one piece after another. His appearance looked like someone who had gotten an uneven tan with different effects.

"Is there that much dust in your condo...? Your hamster looks like he rolled around in a pile of dust." Primrose did not see the launched attack just now.

Eros sighed in his heart, thinking his first impression to the first human he interacted with was entirely shattered. "I just moved in, so the condo might not be that clean. Also, this cat is Artemis. This hamster is Orion, and the coquettish looking for favor bunny in your palm is called Side."

Primrose let out an astonished gasp. Though it was light, everyone in the room turned their attention to her. "Mister...."

"Eros." He introduced himself. Though he was told to change his name, Eros was too lazy to choose from billions of names worldwide.

"It seems like you like Greek characters a lot," Primrose replied.

"Hmm?" His crooked brows gave a sense of questioning to her statement.

She quickly explained her stance. "Your name is Eros, the same name as the Aphrodite's son. Eros and his lover, Psyche, had a tragic yet lovely story. As for your pets, Artemis, Orion, and Side are considered love triangles in Greek mythology. Artemis fell for a mortal named Orion. Orion had a human wife named Side. There are so many versions of their stories; each is just as interesting."

She reads stories to pass time since she works at an ancient library building. She was more or less familiar with the variety of stories in their library. Of course, one of the most memorable Greek mythology tragedies of all time to her was the love between Eros and Psyche. If she could, she would love to rewrite their ending as it was too heart-wrenching.

"Yes, indeed, Eros and Psyche's love story was tragic. The time they spent together was too short even to count." Eros's tone sunk. His gaze darkened as if he was reliving the timeline without Psyche's existence. It was so painful he felt like flames constantly burned his flesh to ash, but not even a single scream could be released.

As the two condos were adjacent, the wall between them was not the best soundproof. Primrose could hear hurried footsteps and the sound of a closing door from her home. "Oh no!" She gasped, skipping her way to the balcony.

"Wait!" She returned to the kitchen counter and placed Side on the cold surface. Side opened her eyes. Question marks seemed to float everywhere when she felt her butt touching the hard surface. The warmth and soft cushion that supported her torso was gone.

Everyone looked towards the balcony where Primrose could be seen leaning out.

"What are you do-" Eros's heart skipped some beats as if someone was nailing a screw to his chest. He was feeling fear when he saw her dangerous action.

However, Primrose appeared as if she was familiar with this posture already. She listened to the barely audible conversation with evident passion. A sweet smile hooked her playful expression. One can see the burst of joyful, sweet passionfruit boba in her eyes - it was just that sweet.

Before Eros could pull the girl back to safety, Primrose climbed up the rail and jumped across to the other balcony, just like how she came to this side, except back to her home. When her feet landed flat on the ground, her arms reached for the sky, making a victory sign.

"Success! Bye-bye, Eros! Don't abuse your pets. This war is still going on!" When Primrose turned her head back, her gaze locked with his. Her hair bun loosened as a strong breeze whistled flirtatiously at her captivating beauty. Her tied-up hair loosened, falling down to her waist like a waterfall. Swiftly, she caught her falling pencil between her fingers and started playing with it like a fidget spinner.

She waved, "I'll see you later. Neighbor"