She Could've Used the Door

The millions of twinkling stars winked at Primrose, sending rays of light to where she stood. As if she was kissed by mother nature, everything seemed to embrace her wherever she moved. Eros was stunned to the spot.

Humans couldn't see it, but he saw it. The breeze that held her body as she leaped across the balcony was protecting her from harm. Though the gap between the balconies was not that far apart, the power surrounding her was crystal clear in his eyes. 'To be able to move celestial beings, move nature with life...' His thoughts were quickly interrupted by voices emitted from his condo.

"Tsk. Tsk. It's over!" Artemis shook her head, holding her paws together.

"What's over?" Orion stood still as magical tools swept across his body to dust away any charcoal on his body. From shampooing and conditioning to fur treatment, the all-in-one beauty package was completed within minutes of his request.

Side disregarded his service and looked at the empty balcony. Since the fragrant Primrose was gone, there was no point in her staying awake.

"Lord Eros failed to keep the pretty sister. Look at his lovestruck expression. He must feel rejected after Cinderella left his condo." Artemis brought up the Disney Cinderella plot and looked at the second hand on the clock about to touch twelve.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Eros heard everything Artemis said and felt slightly frustrated. He pointed at the rail where Primrose had jumped from. "I was going to stop and tell her she could use my door."

"Oh! Just the door." Artemis teased, sticking out her sharp tongue. With her paw lifted to her tongue, she licked it clean.

"Lord Eros. It's not twelve yet. You can still go next door to return her slipper. Maybe it won't disappear to fairy dust like in Cinderella." Side stretched her chubby limbs and hopped off the counter. Midway, a small parachute exploded on her furry back. Her fluffy arms spread like in the famous Titanic scenes, except without a Jack holding her from behind.

As everyone watched her supposed-to-be safe land, she passed the slipper. Side turned her head to see the slipper getting farther away from her by distance. A frown carved an upside-down smile on her face. However, that was not the worst case.

When she turned her head back to face forward, it was too late to alter the direction.


The mini umbrella balloon that kept her flying in the air drooped down her back like a cape. Her face and torso kissed the flat wall. Slowly, she lost her grip on the wall and slid to the floor. When her hind paws touched the floor, she fell backward. Out of instinct, she reached out in her last attempt to avoid falling, but it was useless.

Another bam echoed in their ears. Side had fallen on her back.

"Nothing happened. You guys did not see anything." Dark clouds could be seen floating above her head. At this moment, nobody dared to defy her statements. They could only continue the conversation and carry on the previous topic.

"Y...Yeah! What if she steps on glass shards or a sharp rock? She could get hurt! That big sister is too pitiful. She tried to save us from the devil earlier! " Orion joined the conversation. He had already tasted the sensation of being a fried onion and didn't want to get zapped by a lightning strike again.

Side collected herself and rolled herself to the slipper. She nudged the slipper with a bit of Primrose's warmth left behind towards Eros.

Eros looked at the long rectangular couch that was newly delivered today. The eagerness to jump on it and fall dead asleep kept getting interrupted. Seeing the single slipper flipped around like a toy, Eros released his number of sighs for the day. "Why is it so tiring to be a clumsy human? How can someone walk with one slipper? Now I know why humans rather sleep than deal with other humans."

"Who knows? You're the one who chose a human wife. Why did you love Psyche? Didn't she lose her shoe almost every day too?" Artemis raised her arms sideways, resembling the candle from Beauty and the Beast.

Eros gave her a warning glare, but Artemis was not afraid of him. "Ah, the pretty lady next door must be waiting for her slipper. Hurry and give it back to her. You can't fit it even if you want it." Artemis waved her paw, trying to quicken his movement.

Her eyes met his feet at eye level. A glint flashed her eyes. She smirked, 'this is going to be a nice show. Should I make some popcorn?'

This time, Side also picked up her pace. She pinched the slipper between her paws and flung it like a boomerang toward Eros. Right before the slipper smacked him in his face, he caught it. Like a sunburn, sections of his skin felt a burning sensation after stopping the slipper from touching his face.

He looked down and saw Side spinning wildly in hundreds of spins. He shook his head and took a huge step to avoid stepping on her. Side had a lot of applaudable skills, but her accuracy in controlling her strength was lacking. She was still busily spinning in circles after sending the slipper to Eros's possession.

Artemis jumped to Side's rescue. Using her fox-like tail, she embraced Side to stop her spin. However, she also underestimated Side's strength. After absorbing the warmth from Primrose's body, she was fully recharged.

"Wah!" Artemis's tail was dragged into the tornado swirl. The two spun around the living room, bumping into various antiques. From vases to furniture legs, they danced like no tomorrow. The delicate rug beneath them curved like rose petals on a rose as they continued twirling in one direction.

"What are you two doing?!" Orion didn't know how to control the awkward situation.

"Don't just stand there!" Side and Artemis simultaneously said as more items joined their excessive ballroom showdown.

"What should I do?" He still had the time to rub his chin.

"Use your brain! That's why I divorced you!" Side rolled her eyes, but Orion was not able to see it.

"Well, you also chose to marry me. You chose me." Orion held his furry hips, inspecting the situation before whistling through his paw. Suddenly, two button-down shirts appeared out of nowhere and pulled the two apart.

"I hateee to sayyy this, butttt that's some god damnnn e-evidence!" Artemis was too dizzy to speak without slurring her speech.