Poop Colored Slipper

- Primrose's home

"No, she likes this one!" Jayden Smith's voice could be heard from the balcony.

"Pfft, who sees her more? Me or you? Big brother, Primmy likes this one more!" Collen Smith was the one refuting Jayden's choice.

Primrose could see two dark figures in the living room area, probably arguing over something minor again. The sheer curtains fluttered before her. It didn't take long before she snuck back into the condo as if she was always there.

"Jayden! Collen! You're back!" She cheerfully welcomed them.

"Primmy!" Both of them sounded surprised. They thought she was so tired from work that she had fallen asleep when they returned to a quiet home.

"Yes?" At this time, Primrose was not aware that she was missing her left slipper. The reason was simple - she was wearing someone else's slipper!

"Primmy, see, your second brother is a bit slow. He says you will prefer the baby blue petals on the cake! Of course not, right?! You will prefer pink petals!" Jayden quickly walked to her side, showing her the icing in his hands.

For her birthday, the two brothers purposely finished their work and cleared out their schedule to celebrate with her. Since her parents would miss her birthday this year, they could not let her celebrate it alone.

"Oh! So that was what you two were talking about. I could hear you guys from the balcony. I was stargazing for a while." She obviously could not tell them she had trespassed on someone's property after mistaking the person for animal abuse.

"So, which color do you want on your cake?" Collen tapped his watch to remind her of the approaching time.

"Hehe. You two! One is a manager in the entertainment industry, and the other is a famous lawyer who had never lost in a lawsuit. If your fans ever see how you two are behind the scenes, they would be shocked." Primrose couldn't help but tease her brothers.

Jayden elevated his glasses with all seriousness written on his face. "Nonsense. I am only taking your regular routines and favorites into consideration. Obviously, you would prefer pink over blue."

"Will not! Look at how beautiful this baby blue looks." Collen looked at Primrose, waiting for her to make a decision.

"Hmm. Indeed, you're both right! How about half baby blue and half pink? It'll be perfect, wouldn't it? I like both colors, after all." Primrose took both icings from their hands and shook them in front of them.

"Sure. As long as Primmy likes it." Jayden agreed almost immediately.

"Primmy." Collen called out her name.

"Hmm?" Her eyelashes fanned at her second brother.

"Why are you wearing mismatched slippers?" It was then that Primrose looked down at her slippers. On the left was a poop brown colored slipper that was not to her liking. On the right, she wore her regular cute pink slipper with a carrot pattern.

She prayed in her mind that her slipper was still in her condo. However, she knew the possibility was low because nobody had this poop-colored slipper in her household. To avoid suspicion, she appeared calm, as if she did not understand his question.

"I've always had this slipper." She lied on the spot.

"I thought you didn't like this color after you stepped on a pile of dog diarrhea a while ago..." Jayden remembered how her favorite pair of shoes were rinsed and dry cleaned that time.

"Well, that was the past." She lied again.

Compared to telling them she jumped to her neighbor's condo while they were gone, admitting to liking this poop-colored slipper was nothing. Her overprotective brothers would lecture her for hours if she told them what she had done.

"But this slipper isn't your size." Jayden saw the difference between the two slippers she was wearing.

"It's also not the right side. They're both the same right slippers." Collen also pointed out.

Primrose glanced at the two slippers and gulped when she realized what she had done. 'Gosh! I must be an idiot to wear both right sides back home and not realize I took his slipper!"

Ding Dong

At this moment, everyone raised their head and looked towards the door.

A lopsided smile crooked on her face. She secretly crossed her fingers and prayed that immortals existed to please bless her. 'Please don't be Eros....'

"Who could it be?" Jayden wondered. The sound of his slippers smacking the hard floor could be heard, distancing from the living room.

"Maybe it is the pizza delivery. Since when did they have such fast service?" Collen remembered he had ordered pizza around ten minutes ago.

"Hah....Pi...Pizza?" Thinking of the possibility of it being the delivery, her pounding heart found a safe corner to dribble slower than before.

"Hello..." The door cracked open. Behind the door stood a young man who looked like he was in his twenties, holding a familiar object in his hand.

"Hi! Are you here to deliver our pizza?!" Collen rushed over with a few bills to tip the delivery man. When he noticed Eros's exquisite features, he stopped breathing for a second. After a minute of holding his breath, he exaggeratedly patted his chest as if he had encountered a great scare.

"Sir, would you like to join our company instead of delivering pizza? I can promise you the best resources and a high pay rate, at least a hundred times more than what you earn for delivering pizza." Collen's professionalism kicked in. He took out his business card and slipped it onto the cash he had prepared for the delivery man to Eros.

His eyes glimmered as if he had discovered a gem!

'Pizza?' This unfamiliar word repeated in Eros's mind.