The Future is Bright and Bloody

All night I couldn't sleep the idea that there was a watcher out there that we might find was too exciting, so all night I re-watched the news of the theater attack, they even had the president come on saying that acts of terrorism were not to be permitted or accepted on the united states soil. I look over to see the morning sun starting to break through the windows, so I get Sara up and we get ready to leave but when I open the door I find a piece of paper tapped to it. The paper was another from the book and it talked about how the watchers are able to take control of ninety percent of the worlds population and they find the ten percent that they cannot control of to be the most intresting. It also talks about those they cannot control usually become members of the group once they die. I look to Sara and say well I have a ninety percent chance that I will die when I die. She just looks back confused. I smile and say never mind lets just get going. We get into the car and I put the page into the folder and think if it is a small book then I would have most of the book here but I doubt that it is. I start the car when someone recognizes me and they come over and block us in saying something I cannot hear because the window was up. I roll down the window and they walk over. I ask what were you saying? The lady says you were in the theater shortly before the bomb went off weren't you? Yes I was, was the only thing I could say. She says with a little excitement would you mind if I interviewed you. I say well we were going out to have some breakfast before we continue down the road we are on a trip you know. She says well why don't I interview you over breakfast my treat. The idea of free breakfast sounded great so I say sure but can we do it off camera because I don't want my family to worry if thats okay. She says no camera no problem as long as I get my questions answered I don't have a problem with it. I drive over to where she was parked and follow her to a little diner where we sat down and got a great breakfast while this annoying lady asked us questions. I kept having to tell her that about ten minutes into the film my phone went off and someone yelled at me so I decided to step out of the building and just go back to the motel but she didn't want that answer. We finished our meal and were about to leave when she started asking if I wanted anything else to eat. I say no we are fine. We get up and go outside but she started following us to the car so I decided to get her off of us once and for all. I open the back door and start digging around so she kept asking questions but the final question was what I was hoping for, she asked if I was sure she couldn't get my picture? I reply if it will get you off our backs then sure go to your van and get the camera ready I will be there in a moment. She walks off and so I grab my bat and walk after her as quiet as possible. When she opened the side door to the van I push her in and get in as well. She seemed surprised but quickly calms herself and asks what are you doing? I don't answer I just lift the bat and slam it down on her head which wasn't enough to kill her because of the small room but it did knock her out. I figured if I couldn't kill her with bashing her head in I would just use the bat differently. I grab her mouth pulling it open, breaking it so that it could open wider. I take the bat and start shoving it down her throat until there was nothing but the handle was visible in her mouth. I get up and back out of the van taking a camera with me. Sara and I get back in our car and head for Washington. We drive for a few hours and finally get to the Washington boarder sign so I pull over and take a photo of Sara standing next to it. We were there taking photos for so long that someone else showed up. They walk over to me and ask if I wanted them to take my photo with the sign? I reply sure and hand him the camera. He takes a photo and I walk back to the man and he says I hope you enjoy the photo John. I smile and say well are you all entertained by me. He too smiles and says yes you definitely have made for some good watching. I say so now the pleasantries are out of the way why are you here? He says because we need to talk about a couple things. I say okay get into the car and we can talk on our way because if you don't remember I am still a fugitive and being out in the open like this for too long is not very smart. He says sure and we all get into the car to continue driving. He looks at me and I ask so what is it that you wanted to talk about? He says well since you asked so nicely, we wanted to make a couple things clear first if your actions take out a group we are only counting it as one, and second we did want to point out that like the page said we can control most of the world so please don't think that you have to worry about most cops because we like you so much that we are giving you a limitless get out of jail free card but it doesn't mean cops are not dangerous because there are some we cannot control. So your saying as long as I am not shot to death by the cops I do not have to fear them? That's right but know that if you get boring then we will take this privilege away. Also we want you to know that the reason we cannot find the watcher that went rouge is because they are invisible to us, that is your bit of information for killing that news person. He goes onto say now pull over and let me out. I reply not yet open the glove box there is a note book and pen write down the information you are giving me, that was the deal that we agreed on the last time we had a discussion about our deal. He does as I asked and so I pull over to let him out.