Washington Fun

Once the guy got out of the car I drive forward a little before putting the car in reverse and hitting the gas running him over. I go over the guy a few times before driving off. We get into Seattle around two PM so we decide to tour the city. We end up in Harbor island around the boats. I find a Navy vessel that was docked. Sara and I walk up to it to see that it was guarded which we found as fun but before we went on we found an ally way. I stop about half way down the ally and say hey anyone if you hear me I have a trade for you. A few minutes pass when a Navy personal comes down the ally. I ask are you here for the entertainment. He says I am I heard you wanted to talk so what is it. I say well I have an idea that would make for some good entertainment but for it to work I need a little help. He asks what is it that you are planning. I laugh and reply I want to take that ship towards the space needle and blow it to pieces with the cannon but I can't kill all those Navy men without help. He says so let me get this straight you want us to control the Navy move the boat for you and then let you kill them just so you can blow up the space needle. I say of course no just help me kill them the rest Sara and I can do, the ships are made so that a small crew can do everything but they put more people on then needed so it runs smoother. He says so you want us to line up so you can kill us. I say if you want or you can just help me get my hands on a sniper rifle and a assault rifle and I will take them out but if I have to do it that way I will expect more information, if you help me kill them you only have to pay me information for the space needle and I know you guys want to keep me in the dark as much as possible right? He says okay you got a deal the Navy crew is already taken care of. I say thanks and shock out the one that is standing infront of me while saying go watch the fire works. once the Navy crew member is dead I walk back to the boat where I go to the helm. I punch it so that the ship gets close enough for me to hit the needle with a gun. I go down to the weapons system where I find a note written describing how to use it. I push a couple buttons and race out side to watch the impact. The shell hit about halfway down the structure causing it to collapse in half and come crashing down. Once the dust settles I race back to my car and drive off to find a motel with a large smile on my face.