She's My Wife

Huo Xiao did not speak.

When Ling Sheng reached the door, she turned around again and asked, "Grandpa, are you really not coming?"

Huo Xiao twisted his face away and said firmly, "No!"

Ling Sheng let out a low cough and closed the door after she reached the entrance. Then, she opened the door again and stuck her head in. She watched as her grandpa shot to his feet, only to sit back down nervously when he saw her open the door. She sighed. "Grandpa, there are so many old men in the district who no longer have wives. Grandma is so pretty, elegant, intellectual, and charming. Even men with wives can't take their eyes off Grandma, let alone those who have already lost their spouses."

As soon as she finished speaking, Huo Xiao rapidly stood up and walked out aggressively while leaning on his walking stick.