The Cripple Who Just Arrived

Ling Sheng was playing together with Xiaoqi and the two children on the perimeters. When she saw her grandma teaching someone to dance while her grandfather was standing on the spot like a pillar without budging, she shook her head helplessly and sighed. Since he was already here, who was her grandpa angry with?!

Xiaoqi tugged at her and looked up questioningly. "Mommy, what's Great-grandpa doing?"

Ling Sheng said, "Looking at your great-grandmother!"

Xiaoqi asked, "Why doesn't Great-grandpa dance with Great-grandma?"

Ling Sheng said, "You're just a child. Why do you have so many questions? Isn't Great-grandma teaching others how to dance?"

"But for the past few days, Great-grandma always had to dance as a demonstration for others." As Xiaoqi spoke, he started counting with his fingers. "Yesterday was Grandpa Zhang. The day before yesterday was Grandpa Ma. Two days before yesterday was Grandpa Zhao. Three days ago was…"