Bring Me the Book, I'll Get it Signed for You

As she spoke, she opened up the boxes and took out the books pile by pile. She also secretly gave her young assistants a glare, "Give Qingqing a pen, right now!"

"No need."

Qiao Qing returned to her desk and took out her pen that she uses specifically to sign books.

Sun Jing then handed her one and she signed one.

She signed 100 books in 6 minutes.

Sun Jing wanted to continue this but Qiao Qing threw out her pen, "You think I don't know how to count?"

Sun Jing rubbed her nose and thought that this person sure was difficult to fool.

Carefully, she moved the signed books into one box and then said to Qiao Qing, "The remaining books you can keep as a souvenir."

 Qiao Qing didn't accept nor deny. she then looked over to the other box, "What is this?"

Sun Jing quickly opened up this box, treating it like it was a treasure. When it opened, gold light emitted.