I'll Teach Those Who Dare to Make the Princess Angry a Lesson

After she spoke out, the entire room gasped.

Because Ci Feng only published a limited number of books every single time, there was always far more demand than supply.

Normal people cannot even get themselves a copy of the unsigned ones.

Only the rich like Luo Chen, who has both a wealthy background, dare to want a signed copy. Even then, it wasn't a guarantee that he would be able to get one.

Yet Qiao Nian was saying she could get her hands on 2 to 3 copies!

Now that Qiao Nian herself has declared this, everyone turned crazier.

"I want one!"

"I want to pre-order one!"

"I will pay 10 times the original price for one!"

"Get out of here! I will pay 100 times the original price!"

Qiao Nian, who was being coddled left and right, looked as calm as ever. It was because she was so calm, she stood out amongst the others.