Now that I’ve Decided to Come Back, I have no Plan on Letting You go

"It's okay. With me around, I promise to make sure your body recovers well."

Jun Yexuan's words were seemingly light but it was like dropping a bomb on Qiao Qing.

"What do you mean by that? You want to keep living at my home?"

Jun Yexuan responded with an "Mmhmm, Qingqing is so smart."

Qiao Qing inhaled deeply. "What do you want?"

Jun Yexuan's gaze met hers, "What do you think I want? Hmm?"

That crystal-clear set of eyes were far too hot. It was a look that Qiao Qing had seen from Feng Hang's eyes more than once.

She immediately lowered her head and pushed her body up from the bed. However, Jun Yexuan pulled her back into his arms.

"Jun Yexuan."

Qiao Qing called out his name one word at a time through her gritted teeth.

"I'm here." Jun Yexuan's head lowered another inch.

His lips were softly parted and his words were a little uneven.

"Now that I've decided to come back, I have no plan on letting you go."