Perhaps by then, You Would Have Fallen in Love with Me

Jun Yexuan stared at her with his lips curled up. "What is it, you don't want me to leave?"

Qiao Qing ignored his flirty words and kept her serious face.

"What did you say to my mom to have her agree to let you stay? Even now, she still has no idea who you and that friend of yours are."

"She knows."

Jun Yexuan had one hand on her forehead while his other hand played with a strand of her hair.

"However, I am here, this time, as your private tutor."

Qiao Qing, "…"

After a moment, she said, "You obviously know that I don't need you to teach me."

"But auntie doesn't know that." Jun Yexuan raised his eyebrow and displayed worldly expressions.

"If you tell her right now that you were actually born a genius and you have been faking it this whole time, do you think she'd believe you?"

Qiao Qing didn't have a response.

"So…" Jun Yexuan smiled evilly and had an expression like he had won.