The World Must Be Crazy!

Qiao Nian, who had been silent but was full of fury, finally exploded.

"Qiao Qing, are you only happy when you give me a hard time? You want to earn your way into the University? You think just because you placed first once, you have the capability to pass the exam?!"

"I sure have underestimated you! To make me look bad, you sure are willing to do anything! Since you declined that spot, don't regret it! Everyone's watching! I am going to wait and watch you cry after the exam!"

When she found out she wasn't the one who had been admitted into UCC, she wasn't that angry.

When she found out that spot was reserved for Qiao Qing, she still wasn't that angry.

However, Qiao Qing's rejection of this spot had ignited all her anger. 

Her mother and her had pleaded and begged for this spot, yet they weren't able to receive it. Yet this person, who had done nothing, so casually declined the offer. How was that supposed to make her feel?!