I Was Right About You

Jing He, who stood by Cui Yan, could no longer contain himself and exploded, "Who are you calling a 'college'?! If the UCC is a poorly ranked college, are there even good universities in this country?!"

"It's your fortune for the Dean to want to admit you! Not only are you not appreciative, but you are also questioning him left and right. Do you want this spot or not? If you don't want it, it's fine!"

"I want it!" Luo Chen replied. "If he's giving it to me, why would I not want it? I was originally worried that I wouldn't be able to go to the same school as Qingqing. Now I can finally stop worrying."

"But, in order to not drag Qingqing down, I will still write the entrance exam. I want to find out how much I'll improve after the intense period of catch-up studying I'll be doing with Qingqing."