What She Says Is Never What She Means

"Afterwards, to ensure there would be no issues for Qingqing and to make sure Qingqing had a peaceful life, he made sure her cousin left the country."

"It was also my third brother who handicapped that person who thought he had a chance with Qingqing. He avenged Qingqing and also made sure he doesn't try anything funny."

"Has Feng Heng thought of all those things? Has he ever done anything? No!"

"He keeps on mentioning how he's known Qingqing for three years and how he quietly guarded Qingqing for three years. Forgive me, I only see how he likes her but I don't see him how he protects her. All this protection he talks about is all words."

"For the few months in the City of Brisk, that's all he's ever done. I can't imagine how the three years before could've been different."

"Yes! My third brother gets jealous easily and interferes with Qingqing's matters as a hobby, but doesn't that prove how he cares about Qingqing more than your Sect Leader?!"