The Audition

Qiao Qing's eyelashes quivered. Then, she nodded. 

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Qi Yusen, "come in."

After a creak, the door opened, and Luo Chen and Lin Xiyan walked in. The two said in unison, "Qingqing, what happened?"

Qiao Qing froze, "Aren't you in military training?"

Luo Chen answered, "The instructor stopped us from leaving but we snuck out during the break. Forget about us, what's wrong with your health? Are you in pain?"

Qiao Qing hesitated before responding, "It's my time of the month."

Luo Chen's ears turned red.

Qiao Qing then said, "It's nothing. Go back quickly. It would reflect badly on you if they catch you."

"What's there to be scared of? At most, they'll punish us a bit. But, everyone in school is now talking about you and Feng Heng. Someone had dug him out and revealed his identity."