Not Sure What To Name this Chapter

"Oh my god. Brother Qi, have you fallen into a garbage can?!"

Ning Ye chuckled, "Young master Luo accidentally got some stains on him. Fu Siying's fans harmed young master Qi but young master Luo looks far worse than young master Qi."

"Uncle Ning, go get the car washed." Qi Yusen ordered.

Qiao Qing saw how stinky of an expression he had and figured that something unpleasant must've happened between those two. 

She explained, "Brother, don't be angry. Luo Chen got himself in a difficult position because he was protecting me."

Qi Yusen was surprised by this and the hard feelings he felt evaporated, "Hmm, I'm not angry."

Mu Jinghang snorted, "Some people are just higher on the food chain. Both third brother and brother Qi are like a different person before Qingqing."

"Oh, wait, where's that shadow of yours? The guy named Lang Yin. Isn't he always hiding in the dark or in a corner? How come this time, that husky Luo Chen was protecting you?"