The Girl They’ve Done Everything to Protect Turned Out To Be a Lot Stronger Than Expected

Qi Yusen's hair was still wet when he came up. He had just showered and was walking towards everyone like an immortal who had just walked out of a scroll. His beauty made it seem like it was a blessing for others to catch sight of him. 

As he walked closer, Luo Chen stood up, "Young master Qi, give me your bank card number."

Qi Yusen glared at him, "For what?"

"I'm going to pay you for the suit I stained! Also, where's your car? I'll get someone to clean it."

Qi Yusen answered lightly, "There's no need. Also, thanks for looking after Qingqing."

Luo Chen's face turned red and he scratched his head shyly, "Why are you thanking me? Qingqing is my best friend and I'm a man. It's my responsibility to protect her."

Qi Yusen didn't say anything.