Take You Back

Inside the broadcasting room, Qiao Qing watched the girl through the surveillance camera. She couldn't help but be surprised. 

 Luo Chen hopped down from the window, "Today sure was satisfying! But Qingqing, are you a hacker? How did you get the school's surveillance videos using your laptop? You also took control of the school's giant screen."

Qiao Qing stood up, "Everyone who has a little knowledge of computers can do it."

Luo Chen simply nodded, "Are we going back?"

Qiao Qing, "Come with me to see someone."

Luo Chen took over the laptop bag from her, "Who?"

Qiao Qing, "A friend."

The crowd at the east gate still hadn't dispersed by the time Qiao Qing arrived. 

All the students stopped their movements when they saw her. Their gazes no longer carried this morning's disdain. Instead, they were full of respect and admiration.

Chen Nanfeng's eyes brightened when she saw Qiao Qing. She waved around her bitten arm, "Qingqing!"