It Looks Like I've Been Too Kind to You

Qiao Qing froze, "You really have gone crazy."

"Perhaps. Ever since I found out you were with him and no longer wanted anything to do with me, I went nuts. The girl I've been looking after for three years was stolen away from me. How can I not go crazy?!"

Feng Heng laughed at himself, "Perhaps the way I took care of you for the last three years was wrong. I never should've been a gentleman. If I knew the type of guy you liked, why did I stop myself from getting close to you?"

Then, he lifted her chin and kissed her. 

Qiao Qing snapped her head away, "Feng Heng, I've thought of us as friends all this time. Don't make me hate you!"

"Friends?" Feng Heng's hand moved her head back in position, "Do you really not know or are you faking it? Why would anyone leave their hometown for a friend? Why would anyone leave their comfort zone and come to a foreign country for three years?"