I'll Use My Head as Collateral!

Qiao Qing comforted Lang Yin with a look, then said to Qi Yusen, "Brother, there's no need for all this. I can protect myself. I just simply was caught off guard by how drastically different Feng Heng was being."

"Also, because of our history, I didn't have the heart to attack him. In the future, I won't get myself in that kind of situation again."

Qi Yusen pursed his lips, "They won't be a bother to you. I don't feel good after what happened today."

Qiao Qing replied, "Brother, I'm not used to having so many people at my disposal. I promise you that no such thing will happen again. Okay?"

Qi Yusen sighed and rubbed her head, "I will forgive you this once. But they are reserved for you. When you want them, let me know."

Qiao Qing nodded, "Okay."

Jun Yexuan, "..."

After dinner, Qiao Qing went to the library like usual. The moment she sat down, her phone rang.