I Am Feng Ci, I'm Here For the Opening Ceremony

Mu Jinghang said, "It is true that Feng Ci is a prominent author, but the entire production team has to put his wishes first?"

Jun Yexuan said, "Don't look down on authors. If the news of the opening ceremony was leaked, I bet you there would be more people going to see him than going to see the actors. See, aren't we going to meet Feng Ci?"

"That's true." Mu Jinghang agreed, "What kind of person do you think Feng Ci is? How can he write such excellent books?"

Jun Yexuan, "We'll know once we get there."

After Qiao Qing arrived at the location of the opening ceremony, she entered her private room. Across from the room was a small coffee shop, Mu Jinghang and Jun Yexuan were hiding in there and drinking coffee, "Third brother, how come I think I saw Qingqing?"

Jun Yexuan froze and turned his head. 

"She went into a room, but the silhouette looked like her. I don't know if it's her."

Jun Yexuan frowned and pondered.