Face Slapping

Excitedly, Yi Shiqiong clicked into Weibo. When she saw what was posted, she froze as disbelief washed over her!

The Weibo said: "Let me introduce myself. Name: Qiao Qing. Age: 18. I am a first-year student attending the University of Capital City."

A picture was posted with the text. It was Qiao Qing's picture!!!

When Yi Shiqiong finished reading, her phone crashed into the ground.

She picked up the phone and shivered. During those short seconds, that Feng Ci update received over 100,000 replies.

Everyone was going nuts!

"Oh my god! I didn't even feel this thrilled during New Year's or the holidays! My idol updated? And also revealed personal information and a photo!?"

"Is master Feng cleaning her own name? Because of the earlier tweet?"

"My god! All these years I thought master Feng was a half-century-old elderly, and a retired wall street shark! Who the hell can tell me how he ended up being a teenage girl?!"